Reference : 3701459039685

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Galets hearts, spheres and eggs... - Spheres - Spheres 70-80mm
Pierre(s) : Chrysoprase
Dimensions (in mm): 70 - 80
. Color(s) : Green / Brown
Color(s) : Green / Brown
Color(s) : Green / Brown Quality: A = Good

*Sold without base.
Link to bases: Bases

Photo non contractual.

Histories and legends

Etymology and properties

Chrysoprase owes its name to the names chrysos" or "gold" because of its colour. brilliance and from "praso" meaning "leek". because of its beautiful green color. This color is determined by the presence of nickel. Chrysoprase offers a wide range of colors ranging from apple to green deep.

The more intense the green, the greater the presence of nickel is high. This stone cannot withstand heat and its color may be altered following exposure to a strong source of heat. When repairing jewelry, it is important not to heat the stone.

Chrysoprase is sometimes called "stone of Venus". It belongs to the chalcedony. So it's a kind of mineral fibrous form of microcrystalline quartz, containing hydrated silicates and nickel micro-inclusions.

It should be noted that the largest chrysoprase was found in Australia and weighs 16,400 kg. Today, this stone is still used in jewelry. Indeed, because of its hardness ranging from 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, it is can be trimmed and have different shapes.

His history and legends

The origins of chrysoprase go back to ancient millennia. It has been used by ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, the Romans, Egyptians. They made seals, jewelry, objects ornaments.

In Revelation, during the description of the city of New Jerusalem. that the foundations of the wall contain precious or semi-precious stones, including chrysoprases.

Albertus Magnus (1200 - 1280), brother Dominican, philosopher and theologian, naturalist and chemist, tells of Alexander the Great (356 - 323 BC), king of Macedonia, always carried a chrysoprase with him when he going to war. He also attributed his the success of wearing this chrysoprase, thought that it provided him with insight and helped him make the right decisions strategic. But one day, he lost this stone in a river and couldn't find it. Following this incident, Alexander the Great never won another battle.

In the Middle Ages, it was imagined that this stone to become invisible if you put it on. in her mouth. It is also said that she indicated the presence of poisons. Indeed, if it lost its color, it meant that the proximity to a poison.

Furthermore, Frederick II of Prussia (1712 - 1786) appreciated so much the beauty of the chrysoprase that he used it extensively to decorate his palace. More later, in the Victorian era of the 19th century, many jewels were made in chrysoprase in the form of cameos, pearls cabochons.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in Australia, Germany, the United States Madagascar.

The benefits of chrysoprase in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Chrysoprase is a stone that accompanies people on new departures in the life. It allows you to start from scratch, because it is a liberating stone. It evacuates shackles that prevent the mind from moving forward and blossom.It gives courage to people lacking self-confidence and full of doubts. Free from thoughts this stone helps you make progress with clarity, inspiration and creativity. Freed from childhood traumas, the chrysoprase stimulates self-acceptance and of others.

This stone is reputed to help combat states of intense sadness. Visit it brings optimism and joy to our lives. and happiness in everyday life. She provides relaxation and relaxation. It is an anti-stress stone, which facilitates concentration, memorization and intuition. It channels feelings such as love and tenderness.

Chrysoprase improves communication, because it stimulates and frees speech, while remaining listening to those around you. It promotes forgiveness and kindness.

This stone reconnects its wearer to the nature and its beauty. It can even help improve ties with your pets. It is also said to bring good luck. in business affairs and peace in couples.

Benefits for your health physics

Chrysoprase has great power detoxifying for the body.

It can be a great help for overly complex teenagers. In fact, wearing of a chrysoprase gives them confidence them, ridding them of the embarrassments, taboos and concerns.

This stone promotes the proper functioning of the heart chakra.

The soothing and relaxing properties of chrysoprase to promote restful sleep. and recuperative. They help to reduce nightmares.

Chrysoprase and signs associated astrological

Chrysoprase is a stone with many uses. benefits that apply across the board of the zodiac. However, its action is reinforced on the following signs :

  • Taurus: symbol of stubbornness, loyalty and possessiveness. This sign represents perseverance and the acquisition of things material. Wearing a chrysoprase allows you to improve our understanding of others and communication. This sign tends to to be very stubborn and not to change opinion. His personality is often well-balanced. He's reliable and patient. On says he is very honest and generosity. He is very suggestible and can't say no. He overcomes life, but lacks flexibility. In love, he is looking for cuddles and tenderness. He will quickly want to find his soul mate in order to start a family;

  • Cancer: a symbol of the family, the past and parents. This sign represents imagination, sensitivity and fertility. He is often restless and shyness. The wearing of a chrysoprase gives him more self-confidence and helps him to overcome negative emotions. It has a great need for security and gentleness. It seeks to hide your fragility under a suit of armor aggressiveness. He can be extremely unpleasant. On the other hand, it has a great creativity and can become a workaholic. work. He is relatively narcissistic and likes to be admired. He can be very arrogant. However, he has ties to the nature, which he admires and respects. In love, he is tender and very sentimental. He will get along with a partner who can provide safety and protection;

  • Balance: symbol of balance, harmony and justice. This sign represents union, contracts and elegance. He loves everything refined and good taste. He dislikes conflict and does all it can to iron out differences. The port of a chrysoprase helps him in his search for peace and quiet. He hates solitude and loves to be admired. He appreciates art and likes to be fashionable. However, it is known for its indecision. In fact, this sign has a lot of trouble to take sides with one cause over another other. He hates having to make decisions and prefers to run away. However, he is very appreciated, because he's a very kind person and very understanding. In love, he seeks marry very early. He shows a lot of romanticism and care for the human being loved.

Chrysoprase and the chakras related

Chrysoprase associated with the heart chakra to soothe negative feelings, such as than anger, resentment and jealousy. She gives the strength to lessen grief and forgiveness. It also gives emotional balance and provides quality relationships with others. That's right, empathy and a sense of belonging. inner peace.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the chrysoprase

As soon as you buy a chrysoprase, you must purify and recharge it. Visit Since its extraction, this stone has been exposed to all kinds of energies, positive as negative. The following operations are to be repeated at least once a month, or after intensive use.

Soak your stone in spring water for a few hours. Dry with with a soft cloth. You can purify it with using incense, a Tibetan bowl or in a scallop shell.

Recharge it with lunar rays outside of full moon. Be careful not to expose it to the sun's rays, which could alter its color. Alternatively, for a gentle and safely, place your chrysoprase on an quartz cluster or in an amethyst druse for 24 hours.

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