Reference : 3701459042890

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Accessories - Door Keys
Pierre(s) : Aventurine Red
Color(s) : Red / White
Quality: A = Good
. Dimensions without chain or ring: 20 x 30 mm

Non-contractual photo.

Histories and legends

His properties

Like rock crystal, aventurine is a variety of microcrystalline quartz, with different colors due to its micaceous inclusions. The mica resembles grains of sand in different shades. Green aventurine is the best-known of these has fuchsite inclusions. On the other hand, red aventurine has inclusions of hematite, yellow aventurine has pyrite inclusions, the blue aventurine has dumortierite inclusions.

It is a natural mineral stone, which is mostly translucent. However, a large of minerals can make it opaque. This stone was formed in the rocks magmatic rocks, especially in pegmatites. with impressive crystals) or in hydrothermal veins.

When buying this stone, be careful it's essential to check that it's actually stone, not manufactured glass. The latter has a much brighter appearance than stone.

His story

The history of this stone tells us that this mineral owes its name to the adventurous glass and not the other way around. Indeed, in the 17th century, the Venetian glassmakers use processes the glass-making process, which cause fires. They decide to move abroad on the island of Murano, which allowed them to also to jealously guard the secrets of the the manufacture of their glass. One day, a glassmaker accidentally spilled some copper filings into the molten glass. The result was astonishing created l'aventuriné or Goldstone. This glass with glittery reflections became the specialty of the Murano glassmakers. The resemblance quickly with the natural stone to which the gave the name aventurine, derived from the Italian "a ventura", meaning by chance.

At the end of the 17th century, Madame de Maintenon, governess to the children of Louis XIV before to marry her, owned a large number of figurines and aventurine jewelry.

Subsequently, it was discovered that aventurine had already been known for centuries millennia. The Tibetans used it to the eyes of their statues and attributed powers against sight problems. The Celts saw in this stone the symbol of the knowledge of the mind. Then for the Chinese, it was an imperial stone. Also, aventurine tools have been found in Ethiopia dating back to prehistoric times. But it is that this stone is not included in the mythologies, such as amethyst, for example. example.

Around 1830, Russian craftsmen carved a impressively large basin in red aventurine from a mountain peak the Urals. This masterpiece was carried out over several years, it measures 2.46 m wide and 1.46 m high. It is exposed to St. Petersburg in the sublime Palace d'Hiver.

Furthermore, we can admire a impressive achievement in Paris, under the dome des Invalides. Indeed, the tomb of Napoleon 1st, which took 20 years to complete is made of red aventurine.

Nowadays, aventurine is mainly used for used in the manufacture of jewelry, particularly cameos. It is a stone that remains very affordable thanks to its abundance. Red aventurine is also used to manufacture ornaments, stones for decorative purposes landscaping, to the manufacture of aquariums or monuments.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Brazil, in India, China, the United States and Germany and even in France.

Red aventurine and its benefits in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Often less well known than green aventurine, red aventurine has a number of advantages qualities in lithotherapy.

This stone is connected to the Earth and transmits strength, vitality and warmth to our body. The distinctive red of this stone gives you energy and inspiration. It provides motivation to enable to undertake or realize projects. It reconnects its wearer to its resources in moments of fatigue.

The glittery appearance due to inclusions is associated with the brilliance of the vitality. It is a stone that allows us to reactivate in periods of slump.

So, red aventurine brings success and prosperity in the workplace, creativity and imagination.

This stone provides determination and perseverance in the most difficult moments of life. It provides strength and assurance, while remaining pragmatic.

It restores a sense of humor, shows mistakes, and overcomes them to move on to something else with confidence.

Red aventurine calls for excitement and action. It provokes enthusiasm, the color of passion and energy, of life. It's also the color of fire and blood. It restores stability emotional and mental. Above all, it is a stone anti-stress.

Benefits for your health physics

Red aventurine provides the right circulation of body fluids and promotes proper functioning of the heart chakra.

It is beneficial in the fight against anger. It is also said to calm children who tend to get too agitated, and to have a nervous temperament.

It promotes sleep, facilitates and restful sleep reclaimer.

Red aventurine and signs associated astrology

Red aventurine is good for everyone the signs of the zodiac, but its power is on the natives of the following signs :

  • Virgo: symbol of organization, filing and methods. It's a sign that demonstrates great logical and a perfectionist. With a anxious nature, he is very hard-working and the wearing a red aventurine allows him to realize their projects. This sign is obsessed with order, he's very manic. He likes to put talents to the service of others. Careful, because he's very easy to criticize, but he's still of great modesty. He suffers from lack of self-confidence. Red aventurine gives him back his confidence. In love, he is very modest and unsentimental. He often prefers solitude. When he gets married, it's more out of interest than love.

  • Balance: symbol of the justice, balance and peace. This sign likes to live in harmony with his surroundings. He is often very sociable. He hates loneliness, because he always needs to be alone. loved and admired. He has a taste for beauty and refined, he likes to be fashionable. On the other hand, he is known for his indecisiveness, having to choose. He's a pacifist before and shuns conflict. We love his company, he's very kind and has a good sense of humour. contacts. In love, he is very romantic and seeks harmony and peace. He hates solitude and gets married very early. He needs to be loved and admired.

The chakras linked to aventurine red

Red aventurine activates the root chakra, located at the base of the spine. When unbalanced, a kind of lethargy sets in, leading to a lack of enthusiasm. The red crystals will balance the chakra and allow the body to regain vitality and energy.

Maintenance, purification and recharging aventurine red

When you become the owner of a red aventurine, make sure it is freed from the negative energies it may have accumulate during its journey. Operations are to be carried out at least once a months or after use intensive.

Rinse under running water for a few minutes. minutes. You can also purify it with using incense or a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge it with lunar rays but not in full moon period, as this could alter the color. Ideally, it should be placed on a quartz cluster or amethyst druse for 24 hours.

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