Reference : 3701459014149

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Pendant - Stones Breakthroughs
Pierre(s) : Stichtite On Serpentine (Atlantisite)
Color(s): Green/Black/Yellow
. Dimensions (in mm): 20-30
. Quality: A = Good
. *Sold without cord
. *Side drilling

Non-contractual photo.

Stories and legends


Atlantisite is a stone composed of two minerals serpentine and stichtite. Atlantisite is also known as "stichtite on serpentine". or more rarely "tasmanite". This stone is considered to provide the energies of ancient civilizations of Mu, Atlantis and of Lemuria, particularly in the energies of healing.

For information: Mu is said to be a mythical sunken continent located in the Pacific Ocean. Like Atlantis, it was destroyed twelve thousand years ago by the gods to punish a decadent civilization. As for Lemuria, it would be a continent located in the ocean Indian.

The serpentine

Here's a little summary of serpentine (you can find the full text on the serpentine).

Serpentine should its Latin name "serpentinus" because of its snake-like appearance. It can have different colors, but in Atlanticitis, it is is always more or less green dark.

Serpentine is in a group of minerals belonging to the silicates and the phyllosilicates. This family of minerals includes some twenty polymorphs. For the record polymorphs have the ability to crystallize in different structures for different conditions pressure and temperature.

The serpentine remains a stone that is very difficult to identify. It has a low hardness of 2.5 to 3.5 on Mohs scale. Its brilliance varies between greasy, silky and glassy.

The stichtite

Here we are a brief summary of stichtite. It's a mineral species of the carbonate group and of the subgroup of hydrated carbonates, presenting traces of iron. This stone is colored mauve, lilac or violet due to the presence of of manganese. This mineral belongs to the hydrotalcite with scale aggregates or micaceous fibers.

Stichtite is also a relatively fragile stone, because it has a hardness of 1 to 3 on the Mohs. It is also relatively brittle. It features a pearly, resinous sheen bold.

Atlantisite is a powerful stone combining the properties of the two minerals, but it does have its properties.

The main deposits are in South Africa.

Les benefits of atlantisite in lithotherapy

Benefits for the skin psychic level

Atlantisite or stichtite on serpentine is very powerful: it protects its wearer from negativity, from aggressiveness, harmful energies and feelings of jealousy or resentment. She soothes him and gives him serenity. He lives in harmony with itself and with others.

It's a stone anchor: it enables its wearer to enjoy the present moment, forgetting about the past and no projections for the future. And so.., it helps him overcome difficulties encountered in life.

Excellent stone from meditation, it facilitates connection to the self inner self. It identifies blockages often linked to childhood trauma, gives us the strength to fight and overcome free.

This stone is recommended for hyperactive children in order to their inner calm. With help, they are able to put the right order in their thoughts too agitated.

Atlantisite is a stone for rebalancing emotions, such as anxiety buried fears. In this way, it helps the carrier to keep his cool. It provides lucidity and quality analysis. whatever the situation. The wearer therefore has thoughtful reactions and can resolve the problem it is facing. confronted.

It's also a stone whose use is particularly recommended after a emotional trauma such as a break-up or loss of a loved one. The wearer regains stabilizes his pain. His suffering is more tolerable.

Benefits for the skin physical

Atlantisite or stichtite on serpentine is a powerful stone, that effectively combats stress and its harmful effects on the body. It reduces nervous tension.

She also is beneficial for athletes, as it leads to better recovery after physical effort.

She is particularly recommended for suffering from intense sadness. She gives them vitality and a renewed sense of purpose to make plans.

The stichtite on serpentine promotes healthy circulation body fluids.

L'atlantisite or stichtite on serpentine and signs associated astrological

Atlantisite or stichtite on serpentine delivers its virtues and its benefits on all natives of the zodiac. Like many stones, it happens that it develops affinities with certain astrological signs. This is the case for the following signs:

  • Taurus: symbol of fertility, stubbornness and stability. This sign represents loyalty, perseverance and strength. Wearing a atlantisite protects him from negativity energies, jealousy and anger. resentment. This stone soothes him and gives him serenity. This sign advances step by step life. He knows exactly what he wants. This is a hard worker and always manages to overcoming life's difficulties. Linked to nature and the earth, he evolves in a world of luxury and abundance. His pleasure is to acquire things, material goods and land. He is extremely materialistic. Generous and generous, he takes pleasure in to share with those around him. Very stubborn, he is simply impossible to change opinion. He is also realistic and does not doesn't succumb to what isn't pragmatic. He is reliable and has a sense of duty. His word is golden. In love, he's very sensual, appreciates tenderness and cuddles. He loves give pleasure to his or her partner. It has a great deal of charm and appeal. However, he is looking for a stable sustainable;
  • Cancer: symbol of the family, origins and the nostalgia. This sign represents the past, imagination and sensitivity. The port of atlantisitis allows him to rebalance emotions, such as anxiety, depression and buried fears and anxieties. This sign is often anxious and fragile, he constantly needs to be reassured. He is afraid of and does everything to make itself indispensable. Shy, he has a tendency to forge himself armor and can become very unpleasant. It needs to be surrounded by his own people: he can very creative and has a lot of imagination. It's a way for him to free the mind. Conflicting climates are terribly uncomfortable. He is serious and doesn't balk at the task. He has a very narcissistic personality and does everything to attention. Paradoxically, he likes taking care of others. He suffers hypersensitivity and sometimes has difficulty manage your emotions. In love, he is very sentimental and very tender. He loves to be to unleash all his sensuality. He is one of the so-called dependents emotional. He shows a lot of jealousy and possessiveness. On the other hand, with the maturity, he makes an excellent parent and spouse. ;
  • Sagittarius: symbol of intellectual evolution, the philosophy and religion. This sign represents higher education, travel and independence. Wearing a atlantisite lets him enjoy the moment present, unencumbered by the shadows of the past or projections into the future. This stone helps her overcome difficulties encountered in life. This sign gives off optimism and positivity. It and often has a hard time getting used to it. luck. It's even said to bring good luck. It loves his freedom and discovering the world. He doesn't hesitate to undertake long journeys. At the professional level, he needs a activity that leaves him free and doesn't lock him in an office. He's not authoritarian, yet naturally followed as a leader. Always at his best, he lives his life to the full. 100 %. A generous man, he doesn't hesitate to share with those around him. He hates routine and can therefore multiply activities, projects. The problem lies in the fact that he doesn't always finish them. At positive, idealistic and incredibly seductive. He multiplies sexual experiences. However, he aspires to a sincere and lasting love.

L'atlantisite or stichtite on serpentine and chakras

L'atlantisite or stichtite on serpentine helps to balancing the third chakra eye. This chakra is located between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose. He means both openness of mind and of spirit. imagination. It also provides access to intuition.

This chakra a balanced, harmonized approach to become aware of your life. She gains access to knowledge, wisdom intelligence and memory. It has a excellent capacity for analysis and synthesis. The person easily overcomes difficulties of life and quickly finds them a solution.

This chakra unbalanced, not properly opened, makes the person proud and haughty. She becomes manipulative and can no longer be sincere. She is hypocritical and uses others for his own pleasure not altruism.

This chakra unbalanced, closed, creates a behavioral dysfunction. The is no longer objective and can no longer to trust her intuition. She is not open to the world and closed in herself.

The interview, atlantisite purification and recharging or stichtite on serpentine

Since its launch extraction to your home, atlantisite or stichtite on serpentine can neither be purified nor recharged using elements of nature, such as the sun, earth and water. In addition, handling many times, it has inevitably been in contact with influences of varying degrees negative. So, as soon as it was introduced in your life, it is essential to carry out its purification and recharging. In addition, these operations are to be carried out at the at least once a month or after a session of lithotherapy.

As a result of its simply pass your stone under the running water for less than a minute. Dry it carefully and delicately with with a soft cloth to remove any residue. the last impurities and any traces of limescale. For even greater purification light, use sage fumigation or a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge it at the lunar rays when the moon is not full or when the rays of the morning sun (do not exceed 2 hours of exposure). You can also placed in an amethyst geode or on an quartz cluster for 24 hours.