Reference : 3701459013661

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Pendant - Stones Breakthroughs
Pierre(s) : Anorthosite
Color(s): Black/Brown/White
Special color: Black/Brown/White
Special color: Black/Brown/White Dimensions (in mm): 20-30
. Quality: AB = Standard
. *Sold without cord
. *Side drilling

History and properties

Anorthosite is a rock phaneritic igneous intrusive.

Some definitions :

  • Roche igneous or magmatic rock: one of the three main rocks (other rocks sedimentary or metamorphic rocks). Visit igneous rock forms during cooling and magma solidification ;
  • Phaneristics adjective meaning "made up of crystals large enough to be seen by the eye nu" ;
  • Intrusive : adjective meaning "formed during the penetration of magma into existing rock, which crystallizes and solidifies underground to train intrusions".

There are two main categories anorthosite types: anorthosites and Archean anorthosites. They are therefore linked to specific periods of Earth's history. There are also a third type of anorthosite: lunar anorthositis, often whitish. The lunar anorthosites are the areas where light color of the surface Moon.

Most anorthosites has a grey, black or greenish-grey hue (presence of iron), grey, violet (presence of titanium) and whitish when the rock has been tectonized. The plagioclase crystals included in anorthosites are black, white, blue or gray.

When these anorthosites present an adularescence phenomenon (shimmering under the surface of the stone, due to interference at layer interfaces internal). This phenomenon is also known as "labradorescence" and this type of anorthosite "of labradorites".

Anorthosite possesses a gritty texture similar to that of gabbros. It has a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale. For In comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10, i.e. highest on the same scale.

There are huge massifs in South Africa, Canada and the United States. Norway. This represents accumulations of of titanium and sometimes also large quantities of labradorite. Visit labradorite is extracted and sold as a stone or as a material ornamental.

Anorthosites present of great geological interest: we do not know how their training is going. A priori, the crystals of plagioclase according to their density.

The main deposits are located in are located in Bulgaria, France, Germany Greece, Portugal, Romania, Hungary, Spain Italy, Spain, Sweden, Brazil and the United States. United States, Canada, etc.

The benefits of anorthosite in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Anorthosite is a stone an anchor that provides stability, serenity and confidence in its wearer. The wearer feels well-being and safety. It is open to empathy and trust. compassion. He seeks to help those people in need. He will find purity and authenticity in relationships à others.

This is an excellent stone for meditation. It connects you to his inner self and provides numerous answers to its wearer. The wearer will be able to understand why he had certain hang-ups, what the causes were and, above all, how the overcome.

Wearing anorthosite keeps negative energies away by some people who experience anger, jealousy, resentment. Visit of anorthositis can thus continue to get on with life. He can overcome obstacles or difficulties encountered on its and reach its objectives.

Anorthosite generates mental strength, stimulates memory and learning. It is highly recommended students, people undergoing retraining or in training. It also helps to overcome life's tragedies, such as the loss of a loved one a painful break-up or failure professional. It gives you the courage to start from zero.

Benefits for your health physical

Anorthosite helps to overcome states of intense sadness. It allows the wearer to stand up and regain confidence. All he has to do is wear the stone as a pendant or in the form of a bracelet. So, when in doubt, he will only have to squeeze the stone hands.

Fighting anorthosite effectively combat stress and its consequences on the body. It is also recommended for to strengthen the whole body. It also facilitates fluid circulation bodies in

Anorthosite and its signs astrological associates

Anorthosite diffuses its its virtues and benefits for the entire natives of the zodiac. However, like many stones, she develops affinities with certain astrological signs. This is the case for the following signs :

  • Taurus : symbol of fertility, loyalty and obstinacy. This sign represents abundance, patience and perseverance. Wearing an anorthosite anchor stone, provides stability, serenity and confidence, so it feels good. He likes above all acquire movable and immovable property real estate. Serene, he moves through life at his own pace. rhythm. Each of his decisions is carefully and studied. He knows what he wants in life and gives itself the means to achieve its objectives. He needs to know the professional success in order to guarantee lifestyle. Indeed, he likes to move around luxury and abundance. He also loves to share with those around him. He puts a lot of time to place his trust. When he does, be careful not to betray him, for his anger will be terrible and unforgiving. Of a nature stubborn, it's very difficult to do so. change his mind. Enduring and hard-working, he always manages to overcome life. In love, it is sensual and tactile. He loves to share, to feel, to desire. Very emotional level as well as at the expresses his desires and waits for someone to satisfies him. Possessive, loyal and waiting in return ;
  • Balance : symbol of balance, justice and peace. This sign represents harmony, grace and sociability. Wearing an anorthosite reinforces its ability to open up to others, to empathy and compassion. This sign enjoys socializing. He is always very elegant and refined. He loves to be admired and surrounded. He has gifts particularly in dance. He possesses a strong aesthetic sense and a taste for art in general. He hates conflict and makes an excellent mediator. This sign refuses combat, war and confrontation. Compromise is its watchword. Beneath its friendly and smiles, he has an iron will, and determination. However, this is the most indecisive sign of the zodiac. He tends not to take sides for one or the other so as not to offend person. He is known for his kindness and his altruism. He has a horror of vulgarity and dirt. In love, he can't stand loneliness and he's for marriage. He's going to look very to start a family. He is romantic and sentimental. He needs to please, to find harmony and peace. He does everything to ensure that his couple lasts. He attaches great importance to the image of your relationship ;
  • Fish : symbol religion, the infinite and the sensitivity. This sign represents mysticism, betrayal and the unconscious. Wearing a anorthositis prompts him to lend a helping hand to people in need, allows her to rediscover purity and authenticity in his relationships with others. However, he needs to find himself alone to recharge and grow. Influential by nature, he can very quickly into various addictions. He likes to evolve at night and can quickly become marginalized. Very idealistic, he lives in a world of fantasies filled with dreams and sweetness. A great sensitivity, he needs to be reassured by his surroundings. He appreciates art and beautiful things. He's very creative himself. Yes, he is, he is naturally gifted at expressing emotions through writing, the arts or music. He has a incredible intuition that rarely fails him. He can make good investments financial. A dual and paradoxical character, he's very hard to pin down. In love, he has several personalities: either he's crazy love and dreams of marriage, or the opposite, he is a libertine and tries all sorts sexual experiences. He needs to idealize the other. He has to become more realistic.

Anorthosite and chakras

Anorthosite helps to the balance of the heart. It is located on the sternum at the front and between the shoulder blades at back. The heart chakra, balanced, harmonized, engenders self-acceptance and others. The person feels compassion and empathy for others. She likes to make service and a zest for life that's second to none. communicative. She lets her emotions express yourself freely.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, too open, causes two opposite behaviors. The person demonstrates excessive devotion, to the point of forget herself. Or, on the contrary, she becomes narcissistic and egocentric. She often criticizes those around her and is jealous, possessive and very requirement.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, blocked, leads to closure of the person. She withdraws into herself and selfish, hateful and jealous. She doesn't doesn't like herself or others. She has always afraid of rejection. It can also become dependent affective.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, under-active, leads to disappointments and the person closes himself off to love. She suffers many failures in love and friends. She prefers to take refuge in physical or intellectual activities so as not to not suffering.

Maintenance, purification and recharging anorthosite

Since extraction to your home, your anorthosite will not could neither purify nor recharge at with the help of natural elements such as earth, sun or water. Handled from many times, it has inevitably been in contact with all energies, both positive and negative negative.

As soon as he joined the your home, it is essential to carry out the following following operations. These operations are to be renewed at least once a month or after a session of lithotherapy.

Plunge your anorthosite into a transparent glass filled with spring water for one hour. Gently pat dry. to remove the last impurities. You can also also opt for sage purification white, or with the help of a flower of life, or a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge your anorthosite under the rays of the full moon for the entire night. You can also place it on a geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.