Reference : 3701459007455

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Jewelry stone / Pendants bottles
Pierre(s) : Jasper Red
Length (in mm): 30 - 40
. Color: Red / Orange / Opaque
. *Sold with lanyard

Vertus Du Jaspe Rouge :

This stone owes its color to deposits of ferric oxide. Red Jasper is a stone of rebirth and also of longevity. What's more, it's an ideal stone for people making a fresh start in their lives or to complete a project. In addition, bringing dynamism and softness, it gives us a new lease on life.

Also, this stone stimulates the vigor and regulates the monthly disturbance of the women. What's more, it's one of the minerals that invigorate the spirit, stimulate action and self-expression. Red Jasper is therefore very useful for people who don't are not sure of themselves because, in addition encourages self-belief and brings also the courage to act.

Tradition and Symbolism :

Tradition: Obstetrics.
Chemical composition: Silicon dioxide.

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