Reference : 3701459037551

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Pendants - Pendants Tree of Life
Pierre(s) : P�ridot
Jewel diameter: 40mm
. Color(s) : Green
Color(s) : Green
Color(s) : Green
Color(s) : Green Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

Peridot stone has various explanations about the etymology of its name. The first explanation comes from the Arabic word "faridat". meaning "precious stone". The second explanation comes from the Latin word "paederos". meaning both boy and stone opal.

Stories and legends

Peridot stone has various explanations about the etymology of its name. The first explanation comes from the Arabic word "faridat". meaning "precious stone". The second explanation comes from the Latin word "paederos". meaning both boy and stone opal.

Peridot was discovered 3,000 years ago on the island of Zebirget in the Mer Red.

Then, in Egypt, it was mined for about 1,500 years BC. The Egyptians associated this to the mystical world and connected its incredible brilliance in the light, hence its nickname "stone of the sun". Cleopatra particularly cherished this stone.

Pline the Elder (23 AD - 79 AD), Roman naturalist writer and author of a encyclopedia entitled Histoires Naturelles refers to peridot as a stone a magnificent green color.

Under its previous name of chrysolite, the peridot is frequently cited in the Bible, in particular as one of the jewels set in the Aaron's breastplate and as one of the 12 jewels, used in the foundation of Jerusalem.

Peridot was a commonly used stone used in Greek jewelry. By it was also regularly possessed by Ottoman rulers.

The first peridot stones were introduced to Europe at the time of the Crusades. This incredible green stone in the Middle Ages. It was used to illuminate church ornaments and objects of worship. For example, in the cathedral of Cologne, the splendid jewel that decorates the sanctuary of the three Magi is a veritable peridot.

Peridot exerts a real fascination since the dawn of time, since it is believed quite powerful virtues. It is supposed to foster friendship, deliver the spirit of all sins, develop eloquence, look after liver disease and enhance the efficacy of the medicinal potions. Pirates used to say that it warded off the evil eye and the terrors of the night.

Several civilizations and numerous cultures have made this incredible green stone. Hawaiians consider the peridot represents the tears of Pele, goddess fire, lightning, dance, violence and volcanoes.

Today, as in the past, peridot has strong symbolism that is widespread everywhere in the world. In North Africa, this stone represents brotherhood, joy and good fortune. In Israel, it represents the spirit of the Divine, glory, power and authority.

For your information, there are even peridots of extraterrestrial origin. In some meteorites that have fallen to Earth. a shiny metallic surface of iron and nickel with peridot crystal inclusions then called palladots. He was also detected the presence of peridots.

Peridot is composed of magnesium, iron and silica. Then it owes this incredible green color to the presence of large quantities nickel and chromium. Its color, similar to that of the emerald has earned it its nickname evening emerald or evening emerald poor.

Peridot is an idiochromatic stone, i.e. it has only one color: green. It features a range of greens ranging from yellow-green to dark green. The stones are of great purity, large ones have inclusions invisible to the naked eye, attesting to their authenticity.

The hardness of Peridot is 7 on Mohs scale. Peridot is a stone perfectly suited to the creation of jewelry. It belongs to the silicate family magnesium.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Peru, in India, Brazil, Canada and China, etc.

The benefits of peridot in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Peridot is reputed to restore self-confidence. It also helps to the acceptance of others, to suppress and reduce jealousy. It helps also the appeasement and elimination of outbursts of anger. It generates peace and serenity to its wearer.

In addition, it supports decision-making and to overcome the difficulties of life. It is an excellent stone for fighting against stress. It releases feelings of guilt inherited from the past. It promotes a mental strength. The person demonstrates new, positive energy.

Peridot has the ability to chase away melancholy, sadness and gloomy thoughts. These negative emotions give way to positive emotions such as joy, happiness and the desire to do things.

It is a stone that allows the opening towards others. She develops feelings of compassion and empathy. It generates a real interest in and attention to others.

This stone is said to promote development of clairvoyance and intuition. It is also recommended for to provide quality sleep while to ward off nightmares. It is a stone of which is indicated in the new new beginnings in life or new goals to achieve.

Benefits for your health physics

Peridot helps the body function properly crown chakra.

This stone instills the courage to resume a healthy lifestyle, while eliminating excess. It promotes elimination.

Peridot promotes healthy blood circulation body fluids and the proper functioning of the heart chakra.

It dispels feelings of intense sadness and provides vitality. The person regains tone and energy.

Peridot and astrological signs associates

Peridot is a crystal with numerous virtues and powerful protective effects on all the natives of the zodiac. However, there are a few special ties are forged with certain astrological signs. This is the case for following astrological signs:

  • Taurus: symbol of the stability, fertility and obstinacy. This sign represents the earth patience and perseverance. Wearing a peridot enables him to open up to others and interest. This sign can to be very stubborn, and nothing makes him change his mind. He is said to be realistic and very rational. He proceeds at his own pace, weighing up the pros and cons. against. He has a very balanced personality and knows exactly what he wants out of life. He lives in fear of missing out, so he loves acquire material goods or real estate. Generous, he loves to share with those around him. Willing and hard-working, he always ends up overcoming life. In love, it is very sensual and tactile. He loves cuddles and caresses. He loves to give pleasure to his or her partner. He has the reputation as an extraordinary lover. When he finds true love, he does everything he can that her relationship works;

  • Capricorn: symbol of the maturity, ambition and elevation sign. This sign represents prudence perseverance and patience. Wearing a peridot helps it to combat stress and negative energies. This sign is ripe before age: he's said to be too serious. Very he prefers work to leisure. He knows exactly what he wants in life. This sign is not easily revealed. He grants his confidence and reveals himself to be rather suspicious. This sign is said to be psychorigid. He has trouble letting go. He is often associated with knowledge and expertise. He needs to succeed socially and works hard to achieve its objectives. This sign needs solitude, which is what allows him to recharge his batteries. Over time, he realizes its value and lets loose a little more. However, he is taciturn and self-sufficient. himself. In love, he's all about restraint. He a great deal of mistrust and prefers miss out on a great story than to suffer. He is often shy and complex. Yet he dreams of meeting great love. He is very loyal and when he loves, it's for life;

  • Balance: symbol of the justice, peace and harmony. This sign represents marriage, elegance and sociability. Wearing a peridot accentuates its altruism. This sign loves to help others listen. He's caring and attentive. to those around him. He loves to evolve in company. He is said to be an excellent dancer. and shines at social gatherings. He appreciates to be looked at, admired and has a taste for beauty and refined. This sign hates conflict and makes an excellent mediator. He can't stand arguments. He often dreams of a world better, fairer. This sign doesn't like loneliness and shows great kindness. Be careful, because underneath smiling, he hides an iron will and a lot of energy. determination. He abhors all that is vulgar or dirty. He can't stand mess. Its company is often sought after. In love, this sign is very romantic and seeks peace and harmony. He wants a partner for life and he's for marriage. He'll do anything his couple works.

Peridot and the chakras

Peridot helps balance the heart chakra heart. This chakra is located in front of the sternum. and between the shoulder blades at the back. He is represented by a lotus with green petals. He is the origin of the love that generates joy. The harmonized and balanced heart chakra allows us to accept ourselves and others. It represents peace, compassion and forgiveness. The person is open-minded spirit. She loves to be of service to others. She has a beautiful joie de vivre.

The heart chakra, unbalanced, too much open, gives rise to two types of behavior. Either the person is devoted to others to the point of forget herself, she seeks recognition and the love of others, or else the person does narcissism and egocentricity, and do not isn't interested in anyone else.

Heart chakra unbalanced, blocked, causes the heart to close to others. The is selfish, feels hatred, resentment or anger. jealousy and is very intolerant. She has very hard to love and does not forgive ever.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the peridot

Since it was mined, peridot can be neither purify and recharge themselves with the help of elements that surround it, such as the earth and water. What's more, it is handled by many people and was certainly in contact with negative energies. From the arrival of your peridot at the heart of your home, it will be necessary to proceed with its purification and to recharge it. The following operations are required maintenance at least once a year months.

Put your peridot under running water from the tap for a few seconds. Dry it gently with a soft cloth. For lighter purification, you can use white sage fumigation or a special Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your peridot in the morning sunlight sun for 2 hours. Be careful not to expose your stone to too much heat. could alter its color. Otherwise, place your peridot in an amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours hours.

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