Reference : LFRMLBR0850

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Forms Free Polished Numbered - Forms Polished Numbered Rhodonite
Free Pierre(s) : Rhodonite
Weight: 1380g
. Dimensions (in mm): 90*145
. Color(s) : Black / Rose
Color(s) : Black / Pink
Color(s) : Black / Pink Quality: A = High

Contractual photo

Histories and legends

Rhodonite is a magnificent mineral belonging to the silicate group and the pyroxenoid family. Its main components are manganese and silicon, with iron, magnesium and zinc inclusions. calcium. According to its composition, rhodonite can have various gray, brown or pink. It sometimes this stone is red dark.

Rose-red in color, it is translucent, rarely transparent. Its luster is vitreous, and its cleavage is perfect. Rhodonite is during the metamorphosis of the deposits of manganese ore. This process gives it that lovely pink color with natural oxidation of the black veins of manganese dioxide due to the strong rains.

It has a hardness of 5.5 to 6.5 on on the Mohs scale, giving it a very high medium hardness. In comparison, diamond has a hardness of 10, which is the hardest on the same scale. This stone in the shape of prisms or tablets, arranged in massive, grainy aggregates. We this stone is found in the rocks or in metamorphic deposits hydrothermal.

The pink stone is formed by a reaction of contact metasomatism, geological process by which a mineral is replaced by another within the same rock, atom atom by atom, molecule by molecule. This process creates a new variety of mineral.

In 1820, this stone was identified for the first time by chemist and geologist German Friedrich August. Its etymology is related to the color of the stone and comes from the Greek rhodon, meaning rose. This same root is used for another stone, rhodochrosite, pale pink stone with white patterns. By rhodonite also belongs to the garnets, while rhodochrosite is a calcite.

There are no legends or myths in rhodonite. During excavations archeological finds, amulets and other rhodonite jewelry was found, dating from ancient Greece. It was said that stone, that it served to protect its wearer attacks by mobsters or heavy traffic. bad weather.

Symbol of protection and affection, this pink stone was offered to relatives express feelings of benevolence.

In the 19th century, this stone was widely admired in Russia. For the record, the Tsar Alexander II, Emperor of Russia from 1855 to 1881, and became a widower in 1880. He decided to make to build a tomb entirely carved out of a huge rhodonite boulder weighing 40 tonnes at death's door of his loving wife. She adored magnificent pink stone. It was the largest boulder of rhodonite ever found in the world. It took more than 15 years to complete this tomb pink.

Nowadays, rhodonite is found in museums, palaces, and even a ski resort. subway in St. Petersburg. Vases and basins and columns have been covered with this fabulous stone. Rhodonite was used also used to decorate buildings. It is currently used in the manufacture of jewelry and lithotherapy.

The deposits

The various deposits are located at Madagascar, Brazil, Australia, etc.

The benefits of rhodonite in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

By repelling these negative energies, the rhodonite develops a communication quality. It breaks down conflicts and unspoken, especially in siblings. It encourages to reconciliation. It enables to face life's hazards with confidence. serenity, strength and benevolence.

This stone softens people who are too much emotional, nervous, stressed and suffering sickly shyness. It provides a open-minded, learning to listen to others compassion and tolerance. Visit rhodonite helps forgiveness, firstly towards and then towards others. It leads to understanding and fraternization.

This fabulous mineral also makes it possible to overcome blockages and traumas linked to the past. It gives strength to come to terms with a painful past or bad experience. It can also be recommended for couples who need strengthen their relationship and reinforce their confidence. Rhodonite also makes you take that resentment and revenge are not the only not solutions. It encourages pardon.

To conclude, rhodonite helps the conflict resolution, healing wounds to communicate emotionally and and to love oneself. It facilitates forgiveness in general and turn the page.

Benefits for your health physics

Rhodonite promotes good blood circulation body fluids and significantly reduces sensations of heavy legs. It's a stone anti-stress, reducing tension nervous system, skin reactions and transit problems.

It is said to strengthen the system immune system and helps our organism to combat attacks from various viruses by as an adjunct to treatment drug.

This stone is recommended for students in examination period to enable them to manage stress and increase their ability to concentration.

Placing a rhodonite in a chamber at It will help you get a good night's sleep, nightmares. It provides vitality from the moment you wake up.

Rhodonite and signs associated astrological

Rhodonite has powerful virtues that act on all the natives of the zodiac. However, certain astrological signs develop special affinities with the stone. This is the case here for following:

  • Gemeaux: symbol of the communication, exchange and curiosity. This sign represents movement, study and the mind. Wearing rhodonite softens it and allows him to better manage his shyness and his anxiety. Yet it's a real always in a good mood. His company is pleasant and sought-after. He is pleasant, talkative and fun. He is curious and always in search of learning. He behaves like an eternal student. He multiplies talents and skills, but it will to the end of things. He loves new technologies and is geared towards the future. He is always on the move and has trouble in place. He has a great ability adaptability, and he manages to feel at ease in all situations. But underneath superficial and carefree, it conceals a deep-seated and anxieties. An enthusiast of change, he likes to travel the world. Very optimistic, he always manages to look on the bright side. In love, he is light, seductive and full of energy. humor. He likes to multiply his conquests and they never last long. He holds to his freedom. He is, however, very romantic and believes in love at first sight;

  • Balance: symbol of the justice, balance and peace. This sign represents harmony, contracts and elegance. Wearing rhodonite encourages his interest in others, his compassion and empathy. This sign hates loneliness. He likes to be watched and admired. He has arrangements for dancing and love to evolve in the midst of society. He hates conflict and makes an excellent mediator. He can't stand and does everything in his power to smooth things over difficulties. This sign shows a lot of elegance and refinement. It has dirt and a horror of vulgarity. He always aims for the perfection. He can be vain and superficial. However, it shows a lot of altruism. His kindness is legendary and he really wants to help his fellow man. Visit his smiling aspects, he has a lot of grip and determination. He likes to please and wants organize your life around beauty and chic. Visit love, he loves peace and tranquillity while seeking harmony. Couple sign and marriage, this sign hates solitude and will do everything in his power to make his relationship perfect. Careful not to lose authenticity ;

  • Verseau: symbol of the future, of science and modernity. This sign represents utopia, originality and space. Wearing a rhodonite allows him to to cope with life's ups and downs, and encourages to reconciliation. This sign is a sign that dreams of a fairer, more egalitarian world. He has a very idealistic vision of life, even utopian. He dreams of the abolition of systems hierarchies and can even be anarchist. Freedom is essential to his happiness and he can't bear to lose it. This sign has a great intuition that deceives him rarely. His first impressions are often the good ones. This sign is hyperactive and tends to develop numerous projects, which he never unfortunately doesn't go all the way. He lives in his and his mind bubbles over with ideas revolutionary. Paradoxically, he shows himself often dry, proud and authoritarian. He hates routine and loves surprises unexpected. In love, he never lets go easily. He finds it hard to trust and runs away. passionate relationships. He likes things go smoothly. He prefers a story of friendship and love. He needs and his or her partner will have to be totally independent.

Rhodonite and the chakras

Rhodonite helps balance the chakra root. This is located at the base of the column. spinal column. Its main function is to to anchor and ground the person. The chakra balanced root causes a state of well-being. The person feels good secure, grounded. She is filled with physical vitality. She is centered and has great mastery of herself.

The root chakra out of balance, too open, makes the person preoccupied with survival. It is very afraid of missing out. She can show herself hurtful, selfish, overbearing. It can even to the point of violence and anger. She accumulates all sorts of objects and money. In addition, the person abuses the tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

The root chakra unbalanced, underactive, makes the person anxious and distressed. It has still very afraid for her survival. She thinks death and lack of money. She imagines she'll be abandoned, that she's going to lose her job. She lives in the stress and anxiety all the time. It suffers from a huge lack of self-confidence her feet firmly on the ground and can't manage not to concentrate.

Maintenance, purification and recharging the rhodonite

Since it was extracted, your rhodonite has been unable to neither purify nor recharge with the help of elements that surround it, such as the earth, the sun and water. It has also been manipulated many times and has necessarily been in contact with influences harmful effects.

As soon as it arrives in your home, it will purification is essential, then recharge your rhodonite. Visit the following operations are to be carried out in maintenance at least once a month or after a lithotherapy session.

Plunge your rhodonite into a glass filled with spring water for about 3 hours. Dry gently with a towel. soft cloth to remove any remaining impurities. For lighter purification, use white sage fumigation, an effective flower of life or a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge it in the morning sunshine for 2 hours or place in a geode. or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.

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