Reference : LFRMLBR0419

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Forms Free Polished Numbered - Forms Free Polished Numbered Orange Calcite
Pierre(s) : Calcite Orange
Weight: 1755g
. Number of pieces in the set: 2
. Height of smallest: 145mm
. Height of tallest: 155mm
. Color(s): Orange / White
Color(s): Orange / White
Color(s): Orange / White Quality: A = High

Contractual photo

Histories and legends


Orange calcite belongs to the large calcite family. It is one of the the most widespread minerals in the world. It may consist mainly of carbonate and high purity. For example, it can be totally white or transparent. Icelandic spar illustrates the beautiful example of white calcite. Its crystals are of fabulous clarity and purity can be used be impressive in size, up to 25 m long.

Slight distinctions in composition mineralogical and various inclusions of metals give calcites their color. On contains inclusions of iron, zinc and lead, magnesium, copper, manganese, iron nickel, aluminum, vanadium and strontium, chromium, cobalt or molybdenum. The level of metal present in calcite changes the nature of the stone. Indeed, calcite retains its name as long as the calcium content remains in the majority. So, if the dominant metal in the stone is :

  • the iron, it will be a siderite;

  • the zinc, it will be a smithsonite;

  • the magnesium, it will be a magnesite;

  • lead will be a plumnocalcite;

  • etc.

Orange calcite is relatively widespread, but there are other more or less popular colors. such as pink, red, brown, reddish-brown, reddish-brown black, yellow, blue or green. Calcite orange is characterized by a crystalline system rhombohedral type. It's a crystal polymorphic, which comes in a variety of forms, such as those of an elongated prism tablets, or earthy, etc.

Very effervescent with nitric acid, a calcite can disappear completely. By on the other hand, it can produce a certain fluorescence, but its main quality is birefringence. This is an ability light. The objects observed through pure calcite. in duplicate.


There is no legend about calcite whether in the various mythologies or in the stories handed down through the ages. We only know that the Egyptians already possessed objects or statuettes carved from calcite stone.

Originally, Pliny the Elder had named a "calx" mineral, a Latin word meaning limestone. Later, the origin of name calcite from Latin "calcis", meaning lime.

Since the 17th century, calcite has been the subject of numerous studies due to its optical characteristics and the special cleavage of the stone. A great deal of research was carried out. Then they gave rise to the attribution of different names to calcite, such as carbonated lime, aphrite, calcareous spar and even focobonite.

Calcite is undoubtedly one of the minerals on earth. It is one of the the most common constituents of limestone and marble rocks.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Brazil, the United States and Japan. Mexico, the United States, etc.

Les benefits of orange calcite in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

The vibratory energy of orange calcite clarifies thoughts and balances emotions. Wearing orange calcite increases memorization and assimilation skills. This allows for optimized thinking and to ward off negative vibes so as not to disturb concentration.

This stone provides energy and vitality. It enables you to carry out projects, be they artistic, craft or simply creative. It gives strength and determination to start all over again. We say that this stone brings money into the home.

This crystal gives off the sun's energy, helps cure shyness and indecision. This orange calcite stone stimulates qualities of courage and determination overcome fears and doubts. It's a excellent stone for combating intense sadness and find the strength to beat. It helps to regain a taste for life and to overcome lethargy.

It is a soothing and calming stone, which brings a sense of security. It gives strength to overcome shyness and to give self-confidence, while at the same time keeping what is heavy, painful and dark.

Orange calcite is a very good stimulant because it releases past blockages. It also develops the sensuality.

Benefits for your health physics

This stone represents vitality. extremely stimulating. Orange calcite can solve problems associated with sexuality. It promotes the proper functioning of the heart chakra.

It provides the strength needed to go from and forget the traumas of past.

Calcite has a high amount of calcium in its constitution, it allows strengthen the whole body.

It promotes the proper functioning of the chakra of the solar plexus and good circulation of the body fluids.

Orange calcite and signs associated astrological

Orange calcite is the most common calcite. of calcite. It possesses that recharges all the natives of the zodiac, but it has a stronger effect on the following signs:

  • Scorpion: symbol of the end of things, of transformations and sexuality. The wearing of an orange calcite protects against sexual problems and provides energy. It represents animal desire, instinct and passion. It can become extreme, tyrannical and even violent. He has a an innate sense of psychology and the people around him. But underneath his passionate aspects, it can conceal a affectionate, wholehearted and loyal. He can't stand pettiness and does not forgive the one who who betrays him. In love, he can be passionate, ardent and manipulative. He doesn't back down to get what he wants. At age, he calms down and is able to become a formidable partner;

  • Aries: symbol of action, dynamism and leadership. This sign is full of impetus and enthusiasm and energy. Wearing orange calcite reinforces the vitality and energy that this sign overflows. Obstinate, he has a tendency to let his head do the talking. He is fully committed to the causes that he defends. He tends to say what he thinks and his outspokenness sometimes causes damage in his environment. Be careful, because he tends to be a little too authoritarian and to lack diplomacy. In love, he collects conquests, because he's a specialist in the lightning. He hates routine and prefers to forage elsewhere;

  • Taurus: symbol of the stability, stubbornness and loyalty. This sign represents solidity and perseverance. Linked to the earth, it is a sign fertility, abundance. He likes to acquire material goods. Wearing a calcite orange gives him courage and tenacity, he knows how to keep things in perspective. He is a great honesty and generosity. He loves to share with his entourage. He has a very stubborn nature. and it's almost impossible to change it. opinion. In love, he's very tactile and sensual. Early on, he set out to found a family. Be careful not to betray him, for he will not not forgive and can become very angry. terrible.

Chakras linked to calcite orange

Place an orange calcite on the chakra of the solar plexus: it makes you stronger, enables to manage emotions, have a better sense of self-esteem. In everyday life, a plexus chakra gives you the courage to take risks.

Place an orange calcite on the root chakra: it will also boost your self-confidence a sense of security, in other words, a feeling of rootedness. The root chakra is located coccyx, in the lower back. We say that it provides the vital energy for to live.

Maintenance, purification and calcite recharge orange

When introducing orange calcite in your household, it is necessary to proceed to its purification and recharging. Operations are to be carried out at least once per month or after intensive.

You can purify it in a Tibetan bowl or when fumigating sage or firewood. sandalwood.

Drop it in the rising sun or in the sun for an hour to recharge it. You can also be placed on a druse amethyst or on a quartz cluster.

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