Reference : 3701459022632

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Minerals - Galets
Pierre(s) : Pierre de Lune Noire
Color : Brown / Beige
Dimensions (in mm): 70 - 80
. Quality: A = High

Origin of the name

The origin of the name moonstone comes from distant civilizations that named stones according to their natural appearance or their physical characteristics.

The moonstone was so named because its striking resemblance to the moon. This stone has a soft color with reflections pearly moon-like.

In ancient times, there was a belief that the moonstone was in fact pieces of solidified moon that arrived on Earth. However, the name moonstone is a misnomer. a purely commercial name.

The scientific name of this stone is adularia. In fact, during the 18th century, a large deposit of this adularia stone was located on Mount Adula, on the border of the between Switzerland and Italy. Today, this deposit has unfortunately been exhausted.

Moonstone is also called Hecatolite in homage to Hecate, goddess of the Moon in Greek mythology.

Whatever you want to call it stone, it maintains a close link with the moon, which provides him with many virtues.

Stories of the moonstone

Whatever the civilization, the Moon and the Sun are stars that have always fascinated our ancestors. Our ancestors celestial power to moonstones.

It has been demonstrated that lunar cycles play an important role in the environment, the Earth, seas. They also influence the moods of men, especially sleep disturbances.

In ancient times, the Greeks worshipped the moonstone they had named Hecatolite after Hecate, their goddess of the moon. They gave him many offerings hoping to receive the power of clairvoyance and protection. This stone was the symbol fertility and passion. Carried by pregnant women, this stone protected their pregnancy.

In ancient Rome, femininity and giving were associated with the stone of moon. At the same time, this stone represented Diana, goddess of the moon and animals. She had the power to change friendly feelings in love. It also protected couples.

The Indians were convinced that the stone was a stone that had absorbed many lunar rays. There is another version which explains that the moonstone is in a fragment of the moon that fell to Earth. Nowadays today, in India, this pearly stone is still sacred.

In the Middle Ages, this moonstone was popular to the women who attributed to him the power to increase fertility and passion. Subsequently, this stone protected the pregnant woman and her fetus during pregnancy.

In Egypt, night travellers used to wear a moonstone pendant to protect them attacks and to fight against evil spirits.

In 1970, the moonstone became the emblem of Florida in honor of the center's Kennedy Space Center, where the rocket Apollo 11 for the first time to the moon in 1969.

Composition of moonstone

Stone is a mineral that belongs to the silicate group and is a member of the feldspars. Its hardness ranges from 6 to 6.5 on mohs scale. Which makes it a stone perfect for jewellery-making. This mineral presents different colors, beige pink, grey, black, with that pearly look and the adulescence phenomenon (shimmering under the stone surface with reflection of the light between the layers of stone).

The deposits

The main deposits are located in India, at Madagascar, Australia, China United States, Sri Lanka, etc.

Black moonstone

Black moonstone strengthens all perceptions linked to sensations. It generates an awareness of emotions at every decision-making in everyday life. Visit black moonstone is closely linked to reproductive cycles, both female and male male.

Black moonstone is the stone of intuition. It is at the origin of connection with sensitivity. Moonstone black guides you in the awareness of the ability to feel and sense things, even invisible. It accentuates perceptions and encourages us to express them with nuance.

Black moonstone enables connection to itself, amplifies perceptions and guides one's carrier.

This stone has many other properties, particularly in lithotherapy.

The benefits of the stone of black moon in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Black moonstone is the stone of intuition, premonitory dreams and extrasensory perception. It is a stone that enhances intuition, creativity and imagination. It allows its wearer to to be extremely receptive to the energies invisible.

This stone provides self-confidence. It helps its wearer to listen to himself, in depth. Black moonstone develops ease and confidence. It encourages to refocus on oneself, one's emotions and his intuition.

Black moonstone is excellent for imagination, creativity and the arts in general. It can be a great help during projects or various productions. It is a highly effective stone for recovering balance. It creates harmony body and mind.

In addition, it develops the sense of listening, empathy and compassion towards others. It increases sensitivity and enables the wearer to be guided by his or her feelings. Black moonstone refocuses the person on emotions and deep intuition.

It is also said that black moonstone is an anchoring stone that establishes a bond between the Earth and the Universe. It is very recommended for stabilizing moods. It also helps to free the mind.

Benefits for your health physics

Black moonstone is renowned for its benefits on female cycles.

This stone promotes the proper functioning of the solar plexus chakra.

Black moonstone and signs astrological

Black moonstone is a stone with a high powerful virtues that act on the entire natives of the zodiac. However, affinities are created with certain signs astrology. This is particularly true of following signs :

  • Cancer: a symbol of the family, origins and nostalgia. This sign represents imagination, sensitivity and fertility. Wearing a black moonstone gives him self-confidence, because this sign often lives in anxiety. He has a great need for security and gentleness. He loves family, where he feels at home. beloved. He can then give free rein to his imagination, as he is very creative. Suffering fear of abandonment, he does everything he can to indispensable. He sometimes tries to mask his shyness behind a mask of coldness. He can be unpleasant and aggressive. However, he loves taking care of others and shows great generosity. He reacts sometimes like a child, and may even start to sulk. It will then be up to the other person to do the first step. He doesn't have the soul of a adventurous and enjoys his routine. In love, he is gentle, sentimental and affectionate. He is romanticism. He is a an "emotional dependent". It has constantly in need of reassurance. He often reveals himself to be jealous and possessive;

  • Capricorn: symbol of ambition, social achievement and perseverance. This sign represents obstinacy, patience and solitude. Visit wearing a black moonstone enables him to open up a little more to others. Indeed, this sign tends to live alone. It is sometimes said that it's self-sufficient. It's organized, is methodical and honest. He is often associated with knowledge and expertise. He is often asked for advice. Very early on, he knows what he wants to do with his life and will do anything to get it, even if it means work hard. This sign doesn't reveal itself and has a hard time making trust. As a result, he relies solely on himself. He's reliable and honest. It will take time to realize his worth. In love, he is wary of passion and has a complex about it. He has a hard time letting go. He doesn't trust easily. He prefers to stay in reserve rather than risk failure in love. However, he dreams of love. With time and maturity, it will reveal itself to be fiery and passionate. He will then be able to start a family ;

  • Fish: symbol of the infinite, the unlimited and religion. This sign represents sacrifice, hardship and betrayal. Wearing a black moonstone develops his intuition and clairvoyance. He has many artistic gifts, including in music. He can be a great susceptibility and likes to pass herself off as a victim. He has a tendency to flee the real world and to create a softer, safer world. He is excessively suggestible and may fall in all kinds of addictions. He loves evolve in a world of fantasies. It makes often demonstrate incredible flair and intuition. He knows how to sniff out the right business and can become a great financier. He has sometimes anxiety or panic attacks. They he doesn't need a job with too much responsibilities, because he couldn't supporter. This sign has a strong tendency not have confidence in himself. In love, he can to be very libertine while seeking the great love. He likes to let go and merge with his or her partner. He's always afraid of being abandoned and tends idealize his conquest. Thus, he will tend to to devalue himself. He must learn to get out of his fantasies.

Black Moonstone and the chakras

Black moonstone helps to balance the solar plexus chakra. This is located above the navel in front and at the level of the dorsal vertebrae D11 and D12 at the back. It represents self-esteem and willpower, instinct and openness to others. The chakra of the solar plexus gives you confidence in the person. It is full of and does everything in his power to objectives. The person is cheerful, open and spontaneous.

The unbalanced solar plexus chakra, too open, makes the person proud, vain and perfectionist. She is often a hate-filled, short-tempered and dissatisfied. She wants control, to have and is often rude and abusive. disrespectful.

The unbalanced solar plexus chakra, closed, blocks emotions. The person lacks fighting spirit, ambition and self-confidence. self. She suffers from an unhealthy shyness and often submissive. She is incapable to assume its responsibilities.

Maintenance, purification and moonstone refill black

Removed from its natural surroundings, the black moonstone can no longer be purified, nor can recharged using the elements that like the sun, water or the earth. earth. In addition, she has been in contact with positive or negative energies. From when it arrives in your household, it is the purification and cleaning of the refill your black moonstone. Visit the following operations are to be carried out in maintenance at least once a months.

Plunge your black moonstone into a transparent glass filled with spring water 2 hours. Dry it gently with with a soft cloth. For further purification light, use the fumigation technique with white sage or in a bowl Tibetan.

Drop your black moonstone in the rays full moon. You can also put it in an amethyst geode or on a cluster of quartz for 24 hours.