Reference : 3701459022526

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Minerals - Galets
Pierre(s) : Calcite Blue
Color: White/Blue
. Dimensions (in mm): 90 - 100
. Quality: A = High

Calcite blue

Calcite is a chemical mineral forming a large family with many colors. Calcite forms in deposits on a muddy ocean floor, or of a salt lake. These deposits are mainly composed of liquid calcium shells and seaweed debris. They will gradually solidify during diagenesis (transformation of sediment into rock sedimentary). The resulting rock is mainly limestone and minerals from calcite.

Like so many of the carbonate family, the stone calcite is available in a variety of colors. Indeed, available in yellow (or honey), orange and green or blue. It has various inclusions such as iron, zinc, copper, lead manganese, aluminium, nickel, etc. Visit of this stone vary according to these different inclusions, the presence of various trace elements or various minerals.

Blue calcite is mainly composed of natural carbonate calcium. Carbon can also be found and manganese. Blue calcite is opaque. From Moreover, its color can vary from a very blue to a darker blue or grayish hue, more or less brilliant. Calcite stones may contain white or black streaks. other blue stripes. Very spread over the earth, calcite is formed, as if it were marble, in metamorphic rocks and in limestone rocks.

Sound history

There's no such thing as legends or myths linked to calcite, whatever its color. Calcite is a name from the Latin "khalx", meaning lime. Mineralogy experts find the trace blue calcite since antiquity. During archaeological excavations in Egypt, many objects were discovered in calcite from various colors. Secondly, stone is often has been confused, even renamed "spath limestone", "androdamas", "drewite" or "aphritis".

So, in the 17th century century, many researchers fell under the charm of calcite and its property of birefringence, a physical property that makes it possible to split light into two light rays distinct. In 1669, the Dane Rasmus Bartholin is seduced by a colorless variety "Icelandic spar".

A large number of studies are then carried out on this stone calcite, notably that of Gabriel Delafosse, in 1840, who invented crystallography.

Nowadays, the calcite is used in the manufacture of lime cement and building materials. We found in many industries, the glassmaking, metallurgy and the chemical industry. It is even used in the manufacture of certain fertilizer.

The deposits of raw calcite

The main deposits are in Mexico, Madagascar, the United United States, Canada, etc.

Les properties of blue calcite in lithotherapy

Ses psychic properties

Blue calcite can be a great help when it comes to management of anxiety, mental confusion and stress. It is a soothing stone that clarifies thoughts. It is also called relaxation stone. In fact, it is excellent for for people with a temperament nervous.

It eliminates the mental blockages, the fears belonging to the to the past. It brings a sense of serenity and a bright outlook future. It provides a clearer view of the reality and set goals reasonable. It melts away apprehensions and fears.

This stone also restores motivation and creativity and imagination. It has a soothing effect when you're thinking too much, negative emotions. Placed in a bedroom, it promotes a good night's sleep quality and recovery.

Blue calcite aids communication and frees up speech and encourages calm exchanges during conflicts. It provides a clear and thoughts or feelings. This stone is also very useful for listening to others and taking an interest to his interlocutor's words. All this creates a communication quality.

It provides a new energy that drives the life.

Ses physical properties

As a rule in general, calcite is said to invigorate the body.

It's excellent during convalescence, as it promotes the body recovery.

It has an effect anti-stress. Improves sleep quality and by offering better rest, it provides a physical fitness. It also restores energy and vitality.

This stone promotes the proper functioning of the third eye.

Calcite blue and astrological sign

Blue calcite is a stone beneficial for all signs of the zodiac. Its benefits in lithotherapy apply to everyone, but are still very much increased for natives of the following signs :

  • Sagittarius symbol of the intellect and the spirituality. This sign is a sign particularly gifted for studies superior. He is a very natural optimistic, adventurous, sometimes reckless. He is jovial and is often surrounded by numerous friends. He loves to travel and hates routine. He may multiply projects and not finish them. It is very unstable and the port of a blue calcite provides it with soothing. It allows him to calm all these ideas that cloud his mind and stress him. In love, he dreams of finding a soul mate and at the same time, he behaves as a jouisseur. He likes to flutter around a lot seduction games. Fortunately, maturity brings him serenity and he can then found a family;

  • Capricorn a symbol of ambition, a symbol of social and mountain elevation. This sign is organized and methodical. He is all restraint and even seems very cold. It aims for professional success and represents knowledge and expertise. This sign is highly sensitive and the wearer is of a blue calcite enables it to take self-confidence and overcome events of the past. He needs time before he can to be fulfilled. He doesn't shy away from effort and works hard. He is a loner and is self-sufficient. In love, he is very complicated to find the way to his heart. He has to give his trust, because he is afraid of of failure and betrayal. Shy and self-conscious, it will be a few years before that he can start a family;

  • Gémeaux symbol of communication, of the movement and exchange. This sign is very pleasant, light and witty. We're looking for its presence, because his company is pleasant. It can also a great liar. Indeed, he knows how to juggle words and can tell a story anything. Wearing blue calcite enhances your communication skills, whatever his interlocutor. He hates routine and needs constant stimulation. It is optimistic and knows how to look on the bright side things. In love, he is a great seducer and multiplies his conquests. He is afraid of commitment and fears losing his freedom. However, when he meets his soul sister, he'll be able to live a beautiful story of love.

Calcite blue and throat shakra

Blue calcite acts particularly on the gorge.

It allows you to freedom of speech and self-expression freely. It removes the blockages that prevent communication. It leads to opening up to others. This chakra is often shown in blue.

The interview, calcite purification and recharge bleue

On arrival of blue calcite in your home, then then in regular maintenance, it is advisable to purify your stone. Since extraction to your home, the blue calcite stone was able to discharge positive energy and may have absorbed energies negative.

You can use the purify with fumigation or a special Tibetan bowl.

Then proceed as follows to its refill by depositing it in the rising sun for 1 hour or place on a druse amethyst or quartz cluster.

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