Reference : 3701459020904

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Figurines - Skulls
Pierre(s) : Howlite Blanche
Dimension: 20mm
. Color(s): White / Gray
Special color: White / Gray
Special color: White / Gray Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo.

Storytelling and legends

White howlite is a stone belonging to the calcite group. It is composed of silicon, silicate of calcium and a significant amount of boron. More specifically, it is a calcium hydroxyl borosilicate. Its is rhombohedral, i.e. resembling a kind of cube with faces that are not square, but in diamond shape.

This stone can be can be recognized in part by its white appearance, opaque and porous. It has black veins that appear at random. Similar to marble, white howlite has a hardness significantly lower. In fact, its hardness is between 3.5 and 4 on the Mohs scale (ranging from 1 to 10). Consequently, it's a soft, fragile stone. It is also soluble in hydrochloric acid.

Features the white howlite in the borax deposits of the dry lakes in desert regions. It is extracted in compact masses or nodules often mixed with gypsum or limestone. anhydrite.

This porous stone is unfortunately regularly used to imitate certain stones such as turquoise, lapis lazuli or coral. It has the ability to absorb the different shades and has been widely used by counterfeiters.

The history of the howlite is a very recent development, having been discovered by Henri How in 1868. Henri How (1828-1879) was a chemist, geologist and Anglo-Canadian mineralogist. He found this stone from the Windsor mines in Canada. He called silico-boro-calcite, but the mineralogist and geologist James Dwight Dana (1813-1895) the named howlite in homage to the man who had identified first.

The most popular texts reminiscent of white howlite stone are of the American Indians. They called it "sacred bison stone" or the "stone of the white bison". For them, white howlite was as rare as the white buffalo. They used this stone for sacred rituals or to help as a healing stone. Indeed, they conferred protective powers, and even curatives. For example, they made numerous amulets made of white howlite for protection of the animals when they went hunting.

Nowadays, this stone is used extensively in lithotherapy and jewelry. Numerous necklaces or bracelets are made from this material. black-veined white stone. We can also find decorative objects made of white howlite.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Brazil, Zimbabwe and Canada, in the United States, russia, etc.

Howlite and its benefits in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Howlite stone has soothing and calming properties stabilizers. It is extremely useful for all stressful situations. For example, when tense family meals or reunions tension, this stone can be used absorb negative energies. It promotes exchanges in a calm environment and keeps the anger.

It is well known to be a stone of discernment and facilitates to make the right decisions in the event of complicated situations. In fact, it clarifies ideas when making decisive choices and provides support in difficult times. She comforts its wearer during situations anxiety. It has the ability to dispel fears.

White howlite combats stress and helps to overcome phobias. It brings peace and serenity. It gives you composure and eliminates anxiety. This stone reduces thoughts enhances concentration and strengthens memory. It absorbs harmful influences and purifies the environment.

This stone provides joy and serenity and eliminates the feelings of anger and resentment. It helps to not to lose patience and to manage impulsiveness. It calms anxiety and promotes quality sleep. It is extremely beneficial for people hypersensitive.

Ses physical benefits

White howlite promotes elimination and helps strengthen body as a whole.

This stone is also recommended for people with restless sleep. Place a howlite in your bedroom: it will ward off negative thoughts and provide quality, nightmare-free rest and recuperator.

Howlite white and astrological signs associates

White howlite brings benefits to all natives of the zodiac. However, its effectiveness is increased on the following signs:

  • Virgo:

  • Gemeaux: symbol of exchanges, of the communication and curiosity. This sign represents correspondence, siblings and the trade. Wearing a white howlite helps him to overcome anxiety by providing peace of mind and serenity. This sign manipulates words and knows convince anyone. He always has powerful speeches, whether personal and professional. It is pleasant, and funny, and his company is often sought-after. This sign adapts to all situations and knows how to be at ease in all circumstances. He always needs to be intellectually stimulated. He sometimes has the behavior of an eternal student. However, under its superficial appearance, it can mask a lot of anxiety. In love, he likes seduce, charm, conquer. He loves to discover the other or others. He cares deeply about his freedom, so he is reluctant to start a true love story. With maturity, he'll feel less apprehensive and be able to start a family;

  • Balance symbol of justice, of the balance and peace. This sign represents harmony, contracts and marriage. He hates conflict and wearing a howlite to protect itself from debate stormy. This sign hates having to choose sides than the other. He's a natural pacifist and can even be an excellent conciliator. He hates solitude and loves to be surrounded. He likes to provide admiration. He even has certain gifts particularly dance. He enjoys social events where he can shine. This sign loves order and hates anything that is vulgar or dirty. He has a style of dress very chic and tasteful. In love, this sign is made for marriage. He abhors solitude. Very romantic, he believes in sincere love. He is always trying to please and is always sensuality. Very faithful, his couple is, in principle, a success.

Howlite white and the chakras

White howlite harmonizes perfectly with the chakra of the third eye. This is located between the two eyes. It signifies knowledge, insight analytical skills. It provides discernment and wisdom. This harmonized chakra enables intuitive understanding. Visit things are revealed with clarity and lucidity. Doubts disappear and peace settles in.

Maintenance, howlite purification and recharging white

On arrival a white howlite in your home, it's easy to find it is absolutely essential to purify and recharge it. This stone absorbs energies negative. Since its extraction to your home, she has a very certainly been in contact with all kinds influences. The following operations are to be carried out at least once a year week.

Plunge in your stone in a clear glass filled with spring water for 2 or 3 hours. Dry with a soft cloth and remove any residue. impurities to purify it. You can also use the fumigation technique or in-ground burial.

Recharge it at morning sun for 2 hours or on an amethyst druse or on an quartz clusters for 24 hours.

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