Reference : 3701459011827

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Balls 08mm
Pierre(s) : Rhodochrosite
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Light pink / Pink / White
Color(s) : Light pink / Pink / White
Color(s) : Pink / White Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = High

Non-contractual photo

Rhodochrosite naturally presents cavities and irregularities that can be traced back to on the pearls.

Storytelling and legends

Rhodochrosite is a mineral species with very specific characteristics particular. Indeed, it presents a fairly heterogeneous mix. The stone is composed mainly of carbonate manganese. It features numerous inclusions of iron, calcium, magnesium zinc, cobalt and cadmium.

So, the color of the rhodochrosite comes in a range of shades from pink to brown and even yellow. She has white features and a glassy sheen. It has a hardness scale of 3.5 to 4.5. of Mohs, revealing a certain fragility. By way of comparison, diamond has the highest hardness in the world. 10 on the same scale and the quartz is 7. This stone is therefore handle with great care.

The discovery of the rhodochrosite took place in Argentina in the 13th century. century in copper and silver ores. These ores were located to the northwest, on the territory of the Inca Empire. The etymology of its name comes from the ancient Greek rhodon, meaning rose and khroma meaning "which has the sense of the color.

At the same time, the rhodochrosite was also named Inca rose. Indeed, the Incas believed that this stone was the symbol of the fossilized blood of their former rulers. From the fall of the Empire rhodochrosite sank into oblivion and the the mines were abandoned.

Then at the end of the In the 18th century, it was once again identified by Cronstedt Bergman, mineralogist and Kirvan under the name of manganese oxidized by airborne acid. In 1806, René Just Haüy, French mineralogist, gave it the name carbonated oxidized manganese. In 1813, it was given its definitive name by Johann Friedrich Ludwig Hausmann, mineralogist and geologist German.

In the 1930s, rhodochrosite is finally recognized worldwide thanks to German national Franz Mansfeld. During a visit to the Museo de la Plata in Buenos Aires, he discovered this fabulous stone and takes a sample, which he then decided to have it polished. He then shared this discovered at the British Museum in London confirmed that it was a mineral rare. He then returned to Argentina, where he discover an Inca tomb covered beautiful rhodochrosite jewelry. He nicknamed then this stone: the Rosa del Inca.

In just a few months, the succeeded in bringing in over a ton of this mineral, which he will then work on in a cutting workshop. In 1932, Franz Mansfeld exhibited his creations, and the whole world recognizes the incredible beauty of rhodochrosite. From our rhodochrosite is the official stone of the Argentina and Colorado to United States.

Currently, the rhodochrosite is used in decoration, in jewelry and lithotherapy.

The deposits

The main deposits are located in Argentina, Peru Brazil, Canada, etc.

Les benefits of rhodochrosite in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Rhodochrosite is reputed to be a stone of love, friendship and compassion, commiseration. It enables heal deep wounds, such as childhood trauma. It makes bring up painful feelings and generate identifying the deep-seated evil. Once this is identified, it helps to dissipate it and to overcome it. In this way, it can cure the evil that eats away at the person and delivers her. It has the power to bring out the sensations in order to treat them in the best possible way. softness. Thanks to her abilities, she's nicknamed also liberation stone emotional.

This fabulous mineral is considered to be the stone of feelings and altruistic impulses. It provokes openness towards others, giving them confidence and self-confidence. By opening up to others, it develops feelings of understanding and empathy. It's also a great help to combat stress and promote development of self-esteem.

Rhodochrosite is a stone conducive to meditation. enhances energy awareness and spiritual. The result is a lot of and total serenity, a beautiful, relaxing harmony between body and mind. We say that this stone also has a strong ability to dissolve all forms of energy such as anxiety. This stone enables its wearer to overcome certain obstacles to achieve its goals.

Ses physical benefits

Rhodochrosite provides restful sleep. It acts on system as a whole, and gives the vitality to its wearer. It is renowned for relieve stress. Thanks to its action anti-stress, it fights against its harmful effects for the body.

This incredible allows the wearer to drink a lot water. The action of drinking a quantity of water in a day promotes elimination.

This stone is renowned for its benefits on cycles women.

The rhodochrosite and astrological signs associates

Rhodochrosite has beneficial properties for the entire of the zodiac. However, sometimes frequently that certain astrological signs develop affinities with rhodochrosite, This is particularly the case for the following signs :

  • Taurus a symbol of fertility and abundance and loyalty. This sign represents stability, stubbornness and jealousy. Wearing a rhodochrosite gives her self-confidence. He is very materialistic and loves to own possessions or real estate. He knows exactly what he wants in life and moves forward quietly towards its goals. He's very well-balanced, often stubborn, and it's impossible to make him change his mind. Stubborn by nature, he has a rational mind and prefers his routine to adventure. He weighs each decision and has difficulty reacting quickly. He prefers to know exactly where he's going. From a great honesty, he does not forgive betrayals and pettiness. Very generous, he loves to share with those around him. He never on the contrary. He always manages to overcome life. In love, he is sensual, loves caress and stroke. He needs to feel and cuddle him or her. It has a charm and could be a real ball buster. hearts, but he prefers a stable relationship and lasting. However, he is very jealous. and even shows possessiveness;

  • Cancer symbol of the family, origins and the imagination. This sign represents sensitivity, nostalgia and anxiety. Visit wearing rhodochrosite allows it to develop calm and serenity and combat negative emotions. Often anxious and fragile, he constantly need to be reassured. He's very creative, but he can only unleash his imagination within his family circle. He needs to to feel surrounded by love in order to create. He seeks security and gentleness. He has a fear of being abandoned. He'll do anything to make yourself indispensable to his own. He lacks maturity and suffers hypersensitivity. He hides his feelings and his shyness behind a mask of coldness and aggression. He may start sulking like a child. He has a personality narcissistic, self-centered and made in to attract attention. In love, he's sentimental and romantic. A great he's looking for a partner who can help him and reassure him. He needs to feel in order to free themselves. We say that he's one of those dependent people emotional. He is very loyal and wants start a family, because he loves children ;

  • Scorpion the symbol of death, of the transformation and sexuality. This sign represents instinct, passion and mystery. Wearing a rhodochrosite encourages him to to turn towards others and to demonstrate compassion and altruism. This sign exudes mysterious power, it is extremely secretive and confides little. He has feelings of a violence and can be extreme, tyrannical, even violent. He possesses a great deal of psychology and quickly detects weaknesses in the other person. He may even to the point of manipulation. It is and loves competition. Nothing can get in his way: he will be first and that's it. He's very demanding to himself and to others. He knows to achieve his goals. Discreet, he is enigmatic and mysterious. This sign is whole and loyal, but can't stand of being betrayed. His revenge will be terrible. However, beneath its violent exterior, it conceals a affectionate and loving nature. He has great difficulty to let himself go. Determined, he knows exactly what he wants in life. In love, he's fiery and passionate. It exudes magnetism that captivates its prey. He seeks to to possess the other, to merge with it. With the years, he became attached to and built a relationship stable.

The rhodochrosite and the chakras

Rhodochrosite helps balance the plexus chakra chakra. This solar plexus chakra is located above the navel in front and at the level of the dorsal vertebrae D11 and D12 at the back. This balanced chakra generates self-confidence, the will to achieve life goals. Visit is cheerful, zen and spontaneous. She has a lot of energy and doesn't hesitate undertake several projects at the same time. Visit respect for others and for herself is very important to him.

The plexus chakra unbalanced, too open, makes the rigid and perfectionist. She becomes proud and hateful. She is obsessed with work, hyperactive and dissatisfied. She seeks at all costs to be right, to to control and manipulate. He often to be disrespectful and rude.

The plexus chakra unbalanced, closed solar system does not allow let emotions flow. The person lacking in fighting spirit and ambition and self-confidence. She suffers from shyness, submissiveness and is very often nervous. She is constantly worried and can't overcome the slightest obstacle in the life.

Maintenance, purification and recharging of the rhodochrosite

As soon as it is extracted, rhodochrosite can neither be purified nor recharge with the elements of nature like the sun, earth or water. By elsewhere, she must have been in contact with various influences, both positive and negative. As soon as it arrives in your home, it is it is important to purify and recharge it in order to to eliminate previous vibrations. Visit the following operations are to be carried out in maintenance at least once a month or after an intense lithotherapy session.

Dip your rhodochrosite in a glass of spring water for 2 hours. Dry gently with a soft cloth to remove all impurities. For lighter purification, you can use white sage fumigation, a very effective flower of life or a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your stone to the rays of the morning sun for 2 hours or place it in a geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.

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