Reference : 3701459029358

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Balls 08mm
Pierre(s) : Quartz Lodolite
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Brown / Red / Beige
Color(s) : Brown / Red / Beige
Color(s) : Brown / Red / Beige Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = High

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

For the record, the pure, colorless quartz crystal is called rock. It can be transformed by absorption light or contain impurities which will give it its colors characteristics. Like all quartz, it belongs to the silicate group and to the tectosilicate subgroup.

Quartz from different colors have different names such as amethyst with its beautiful hue violet, the flamboyant yellow of citrine or the prasiolite and its incredible green, etc.

Quartz can be used to also contain gaseous inclusions, fluid or solid, mineral-type. These inclusions are diverse and varied. present superb spectacles to the naked eye. Indeed, when the host quartz is limpid and when inclusion crystallization is intact, this can result in fantastic. Lodolite quartz is one of these magical quartz crystals.

Lodolite quartz can be called by other names truly astonishing. We call it quartz garden or shamanic quartz. This lodolite quartz is a variety of quartz with various raised inclusions, such as chlorite, iron oxide, dendrites, rutile, etc.

All these inclusions evoke landscapes and gardens, even underwater scenes. The observation of a lodolite quartz can help us take you far away into a world of reverie. calm and serene. Each stone is unique and different.

Lodolite quartz doesn't have an assigned color like amethyst or citrine. Its hues can vary from green to brown, pink to yellow, red to blue and white. to white, and even multiply the colors in a only stone specimen.

This type of quartz has high hardness of 7 out of Mohs scale. For comparison, diamond has the highest hardness, i.e. 10 on this same scale. It has a crystalline system rhombohedral.

Lodolite quartz is also known as shamanic quartz, as this quartz would help to recover past lives, to communicate with the spirit of nature. He is reputed to enhance spiritual life. This stone is indicated in the initiatory path of the shaman.

This mineral is a very yin stone that invites you to slow down, to observe and meditate. The beauty and diversification of its inclusions make it a stone sought after by collectors. The lodolite quartz is relatively inexpensive and quality of the product. transparency.

Les deposits

Main features deposits are located in Brazil.

Les benefits of lodolite quartz in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Lodolite quartz is also known as shaman quartz. It is especially used for its properties in meditation sessions. This stone facilitates entry into a deep state of relaxation. It is reputed to increase and contribute to the dreams.

This mineral promotes and develops intuition and discernment. It helps its wearer to trust their instincts and the ability to judge clearly and the things of life. He gives her the strength to overcome difficulties encountered.

Lodolite quartz encourages good communication and relationships with others. It provides feelings of compassion and empathy. It encourages people to help others and reduces hasty judgments.

This magnificent crystal releases buried fears and anxieties and anxiety. It provides serenity peace and harmony. Just by looking at it, its wearer is soothed and lets his mind wander imagination. In fact, it disconnects itself from the reality and goes off into daydreams relaxing.

Lodolite quartz allows lucid, rational reflection. Sound can better identify its real needs and desires. In addition, it is entirely for people who have to take the public speaking. It boosts self-confidence and eloquence.

His physical benefits

Lodolite quartz brings courage and confidence. It is very useful during periods of recovery or convalescence. It is believed to promote regeneration.

This stone is very popular in meditation, it provokes a deep a deep state of relaxation that de-stresses carrier. This allows it to evacuate tensions. He also gets a good night's sleep. quality and recovery.

Lodolite quartz promotes fluid circulation and reduces fatigue. It encourages proper functioning of the body.

Quartz lodolite and astrological signs associates

Lodolite quartz is a powerful stone thanks to the many the benefits of quartz and also those of its inclusions. For all natives of the zodiac. Certain astrological signs develop even more intense affinities with this stone. These signs are :

  • Taurus symbol of the power, of the fertility and loyalty. This sign represents perseverance, tenacity and jealousy. Wearing a lodolite quartz enables him to instinct and discernment. This This sign is associated with nature and the earth. It is extremely stable and knows exactly where he's going. He doesn't make decisions light. He likes to acquire and own property, especially land. He is very afraid of lack. He is very generous and shares with those around him. He is very stubborn nature and nothing can make him change his mind. He moves slowly through life, because he examines every situation very closely. Enduring and hard-working, he always manages overcoming life's difficulties. He loves earn money: owning it gives it a sense of security and well-being. Visit He's tender and needs to be cuddled. He sensuality, and it's easy to see why. very sentimental. He seduces a lot, but he is looking for a life partner to start a family;

  • Balance the symbol of justice, of balance and peace. This sign represents harmony, union and contracts. The harbor of a lodolite quartz encourages good communication with others and exchanges of quality. This sign has an elegance and has a particular gift for dance. In fact, he loves social events. He needs to feel admired and watched. He has a taste for beauty and refinement, detests vulgarity and dirtiness. This sign abhors conflict and makes an excellent mediator. He is well known for his kindness and altruism. Please note, because underneath his smiling, attentive exterior hides an iron will and is by no means weak or suggestible. It seeks to organize his life around beauty and refinement. He loves being fashionable. He hates injustice and dreams of a more egalitarian world. In love, this sign is a great romantic, very sentimental. He can't stand loneliness and quickly decided to get married. He will do everything that his relationship works. But by aiming perfection, he runs the risk of being insincere ;

  • Fish symbol of infinity and religion and mystery. This sign represents faith, intuition and clairvoyance. Wearing a lodolite quartz gives her peace serenity and helps him to combat his anxieties. This sign places a great deal of importance in the eyes of others and can't stand not to be unloved. He suffers hypersensitivity and has great difficulty manage his emotions. Highly suggestible, he can quickly fall into all kinds of addictions. This allows him to escape from reality and take refuge in a gentler imaginary world. Changeable and paradoxical, it is extremely difficult to identify. It can become marginal and living out of step. This sign is renowned for have artistic gifts, particularly in music. He also has a great deal of flair and intuition. He can make an excellent musician or a major financier. He suffers from crises anxiety and has trouble getting jobs with responsibilities. In love, this sign can be double, or have an unbridled sexuality, or he's looking for true love. He and eroticism. sensuality. Sometimes he tends to idealize his or her partner and to devalue himself or herself. He can be very jealous and possessive. With the maturity, he grows in confidence and becomes a excellent spouse.

Quartz lodolite and the chakras

Lodolite quartz helps balance the third eye chakra. This chakra is located between the eyes, at the root of the head. nose. It represents knowledge, intelligence and intuition. The balanced, harmonized third eye possibility of attaining wisdom, the discernment and intuitive understanding. Visit no longer afraid, confident in life. She overcomes difficulties and finds easily find solutions to problems met.

The Chakra of the third eye, unbalanced, overactive is generating an inordinate thirst for knowledge. Visit falls into an exaggerated mysticism and is convinced she holds all the truths. She cannot have relationships classics.

The Chakra of the unbalanced, blocked third eye causes a rejection of spirituality. The person does not has no intuition and remains excessively rational. She is attached to her possessions material. She can't manage life's trials.

Maintenance, quartz purification and recharging lodolite

Since its launch extraction, lodolite quartz could neither be purify, nor recharge with the help of elements of nature, such as water, soil, water the sun, the earth. It may even be that your lodolite quartz has been in contact with harmful influences. As soon as it arrives in your home, it's essential to carry out a thorough purification and recharging. Operations are to be carried out at the at least once a month or after a session of lithotherapy.

Pass on your quartz lodolite under running water for a few minutes. seconds. Gently dry with with a soft cloth to remove any residues last impurities. For even greater purification light, you can use the fumigation with white sage or put your lodolite quartz in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your lodolite quartz to lunar rays outside the the full moon. You can also place it on an amethyst geode or on a cluster of rock crystal for 24 hours.