Reference : 3701459061365

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Boules 06mm
Pierre(s) : Crystal by Roche Rutile
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Transaprent / Gold / Yellow
Specifications Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18cm
. Quality: AAA = Best Possible Quality

Non-contractual photo.

Histories and legends

Rutile rock crystal belongs to the quartz family. In this rock crystal, we we can see needles that cross over each other or are oriented in the same direction. It carries also known as rutile quartz. The color of The base of this rock is transparent.

Rock crystal is a mineral composed of carbon dioxide, which finds its way into the granite and sedimentary rocks.

Rutile belongs to a mineral species, composed of titanium dioxide, with traces of iron, tantalum, niobium, chromium, vanadium and tin. In 1803, mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner a Saxon geologist, identified rutile and named it because of its reddish-brown color, or "rutilus" in Latin. It is made up of small baguette-shaped crystals. For further information, titanium is unique in that it cannot be welded to any material or to itself. From moreover, titanium is a metal with a high very high melting point. Furthermore, it gives off a very dynamic energy.

Rutile rock crystal comes with inclusions in the form of coloured rods either red, orange or gold. It is nicknamed "Venus hair", because in Antiquity, we thought it was hair that was imprisoned for eternity. These hair to Venus, goddess of love.

Rutile rock crystal has been known since Antiquity and was mainly used to manufacture ornamental objects. Needle-shaped inclusions evoke the light captured by the rock crystal. These golden needles in this have also earned it the nicknames of "angel hair", "Cupid's arrow", "arrow of love".

As for the name crystal, it comes from the Greek ancient "krystallos" meaning ice or cold icy. Legend has it that the rock is said to come from celestial water. The gods had decided to freeze it forever. At the same time, the crystal-clear rock that water evokes the image of purity.

Rock crystal has been used for centuries millennia. Tools and weapons from this have been found, dating back to the prehistoric times. Some pieces were carved in the shape of flint, because this rock crystal was used to light the fire. When struck against metal, it produced sparks.

We find the trace of the rock crystal in many civilizations. For example, the Mayans used it as a divining rod to find water.

The Romans and Greeks used to make goblets, jewels, seals or intaglios. They also used it for cauterization wounds. They directed the rays of the through the rock crystal on the injury.

Before the 16th century, all kinds of crystals were called quartz. This was Georgius Agricola, who reduced the name quartz to rock crystals only. It is when the the first crystal balls used for divination.

At the time of the Renaissance, rock crystal was highly prized by Italian craftsmen for the candlesticks, goblets and the character sculpture.

Nowadays, the special feature of this crystal of rutile rock for jewelry of great originality. This stone is also appreciated in the jewelry industry for its its hardness, which is 7 on the Mohs.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Brazil, in Madagascar, the United States, etc.


The benefits of crystal rutile rock in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Rutile rock crystal fortifies the mind against all psychic attacks. It provides balance and stability in the face of life's difficulties. Every obstacle is no longer insurmountable.

This crystal encourages clarity of thought and stimulates creativity. It brings calm serenity and calm. It improves quality of relationships with others. Indeed, it facilitates compassion and understanding through listening.

This stone helps develop willpower and inner strength. It gives you greater self-confidence. It increases concentration, for it is a stone that possesses a great deal of energy and vitality.

Wearing a rutile rock crystal brings its to be frank and independent. It is excellent protection against emotions or negative vibrations from others.

This mineral is highly recommended for people who tend to close themselves off from the world exterior. It is also suitable for overcome past blockages. It enables combat states of hopelessness or despair intense sadness. It brings optimism and cheerfulness.

Benefits for your health physics

Rutile rock crystal gives off enormous energy and vitality. It is ideal for to people who want to take over a sports activities or accomplished athletes. It promotes recovery after effort.

This crystal encourages the practice of a physical activity on a daily basis. It then promotes elimination.

It gives you willpower and helps you achieve objectives. It is ideal for all people who want to develop their or who need strength in their muscles. work.

Rutile rock crystal and the associated astrological signs

Rutile rock crystal possesses a beautiful energy and vitality. It acts all the natives of the zodiac. its action is even stronger in signs following:

  • Aries: symbol of action, enthusiasm and the impulse. This sign represents leadership, it's bold, daring and conquering. The port of a rutile rock crystal reinforces this vitality and energy. It is ambitious and often seeks to be the first. It can catch fire very quickly for some causes and put his heart and soul into them. He is known for its extreme frankness and can sometimes too much. He's got a warm and friendly side. is very appealing. But be careful, it can overbearing. Failure doesn't scare him and he always gets up afterwards. He is no hard feelings, even if he sometimes overreacts quickly. In love, he's a great seducer. He is made of desire and ardor. It ignites very quickly. He still needs passion and intensity in its relationships;

  • Virgo: symbol of the logic, organization and measurement. This sign represents logic, perfection and work. Naturally very anxious, the port of a rutile rock crystal enables it to open up to others and not close in on themselves itself. This sign is linked to medicine health and dietetics. He is obsessed with order and housekeeping. He has a tendency to and is naturally very anxious. He has a great lack of self-confidence and is very modest. Great devotion to He can sacrifice himself for others. He loves to feel indispensable. In love, he does modesty and is not at all shy. not romantic. He doesn't believe in love and if he marries, it will be out of interest and not love;

  • Sagittarius: symbol of intelligence, mind and philosophy. This sign represents higher education religion and distant travels. He has optimism and joviality. His company is often sought-after, as it is highly appreciated. He loves to travel and discover new ways of life. He loves his freedom above all. He needs an activity where he can dispose of his time as he wishes. Wearing a roche rutile strengthens the quality of its relationships with others. This sign knows how to show listening and being very compassionate. He hates routine and can get involved in new many projects, but without bringing them to fruition. end. In love, he tends to idealize the other. He's looking for the soul sister, who will have to set her free. At he discovers serenity and finds himself calm. So he can found a family.

Rutile rock crystal and its connected chakras

Rutile rock crystal associated with the plexus helps to rebalance it and harmonize it. This balanced chakra allows to encourage self-confidence, gives the will to achieve objectives. It provides joy and spontaneity. It promotes respect for others.

Maintenance, purification and rock crystal recharging rutile

When buying a rock crystal rutile, it is necessary to purify it. Visit Indeed, since its extraction, it has been in contact with a lot of negative energy or positive. These operations must be carried out at at least every two weeks.

Simply immerse your rock crystal rutile in a glass of spring water for 2 minutes. to 3 hours. Dry your stone with with a soft cloth. You can also purify it using incense or a bowl Tibetan.

Place your rutile rock crystal in the sunlight for about 2 hours, or place it on an on a quartz cluster or amethyst geode for 24 hours.

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