Reference : 3701459009015

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Balls 06mm
Pierre(s) : Chrysoprase Lemon
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s): Dark green / Light green / White
Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: B = Low

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

The stone lemon chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony (fibrous form of quartz) translucent rather pale yellow to very light anise green. Its color is determined by the percentage nickel oxide and hydrated silicates it contains. Its main difference from chrysoprase is its paler color, because the chrysoprase is an intense green color. The lemon chrysoprase can be transparent to opaque.

On the other hand, his etymology and related legends remain the same as for chrysoprase. Its name comes from two Greek terms, "chrysos" and "praso" meaning "leek d'or". It was named after of its beautiful pale yellow to green colors intense. Some call it the "stone of Venus". The world's largest chrysoprase has was discovered in Australia and weighs 16,400 kg.

This stone chrysoprase is one of the finest gemstones can be found in many civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans and Romans, the Egyptians. During archaeological excavations jewelry, ornaments and seals were discovered in chrysoprase. The distinction between chrysoprase and lemon chrysoprase is not made clear in the literature evoking this stone.

In the Bible, the city of New Jerusalem is described precisely. It details the construction of the wall, and it appears to have been built with precious and semi-precious stones including chrysoprase stone.

Pline the Elder (23 - 79 AD), Roman naturalist writer, evokes this stone in his famous encyclopedia entitled History Natural.

Albertus Magnus (1200 - 1280), Dominican friar, philosopher, naturalist and chemist tells of Alexander the Grand (356 - 323 B.C.) was always on the go. of his chrysoprase when he went to battle. This stone brought him luck, because he never lost no fighting. It allowed him to establish strategic plans and make the most the right choice of attack. One day, a snake tore off the chrysoprase attached to his belt and flees into a river. Alexander the Great never found his fetish stone and never won since then.

In the Middle Ages, people claims that this stone had a power of invisibility. All you had to do was put it in the mouth and the person became invisible! A another belief was that when the chrysoprase was in the presence of poison. changed color and alerted his owner.

Frédéric II de Prussia (1712 - 1786) was so fond of this stone that he used to decorate the entire his palace and even his furniture.

At the time Victorian, many jewels have been made from this stone, including cameos, rings, pearls and cabochons.

Nowadays, this stone is mainly used in the jewelry. It has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale and is used for the manufacture of numerous jewels. Please note that if repairing jewelry with this stone must be carried out, it is absolutely essential not to heat it. In fact, this stone is very sensitive to heat and sunlight sun.

Les deposits

The main deposits are located in Australia.

Les benefits of lemon chrysoprase in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

As a rule chrysoprase has the following properties same virtues as chrysoprase. However, it seems to be more optimistic, encouraging hope and intuition. It promotes positive thinking and dispels black.

It's a stone of comfort, it enables some people to socialize and open up to others. She helps overcome complexes and inhibitions and boost self-confidence. It encourages acceptance of self and others. It provokes forgiveness, compassion and harmonizes relations between people.

Chrysoprase guides its wearer in taking decision making and help in coping with situations complicated. It instills wisdom and gives insurance when making choices. In fact, it's it enhances our perception of things and to act openly and decisively. She a finesse of mind that's very useful when it comes to the business world. It can provide fortune and prosperity. It is also said to stimulates creativity and imagination.

It promotes faithfulness and sincerity, whether it be either at home or at work. The point is, it encourages trust and sincerity. It facilitates public speaking and creates a beautiful eloquence.

This stone liberates stress, it soothes and reduces thoughts and negative emotions. It relaxes and promotes quality nights, free from nightmares. It promotes peaceful, recuperative sleep. It is even reputed to relieve claustrophobia.

Ses physical benefits

Chrysoprase lemon is a stone that is both soothing and energizing. It helps combat states of intense sadness. It provides restorative sleep, which restores vitality.

It's a stone that will allow you to regain the desire for physical exercise or resume sporting activity.

Chrysoprase Lemon promotes the proper functioning of the heart and solar plexus.

The lemon chrysoprase and astrological signs associates

Chrysoprase lemon has many virtues for all natives of the zodiac, but she is particularly recommended for the following signs :

  • Fish symbol of the infinite, the unlimited and mysticism. This sign represents sacrifice, mystery and betrayal. The port with a lemon chrysoprase gives it confidence and self-assurance. Indeed, he has a tendency to devalue himself and may suffer as a result terribly. He also has an artistic bent highly developed, particularly in the music. He's a great sentimentalist idealizes things and people. He has a tendency to be influenced and can sometimes indulge in certain addictions. This sign has luck in life and a lot to offer. intuition. He can succeed professionally in financial circles, because he has an incredible sense of smell. In love, he is paradoxical, it can be both totally devoted or very unfaithful. He needs to idealize the other, otherwise he may get bored very quickly;

  • Capricorn : symbolizing ambition and perseverance. This sign represents maturity, patience and coldness. The wearing of a lemon chrysoprase optimism and enables him to open up to others. In fact, this sign has tendency to close up, to be restrained and distrust. He's a hard worker, often associated with knowledge and expertise. With great wisdom, it is said of he's old before his time. He's very an early sense of responsibility. He loves solitude and has very few friends. He is obsessed through professional success and the purchase material goods. In love, he reveals himself a great deal of shyness and has many complex. He chooses solitude out of fear to be deceived. With maturity, he self-confidence and can then start a family ;

  • Verseau: symbol of the future, modernity and utopia. This sign represents science new technologies and anarchy. The port with a lemon chrysoprase to provoke acceptance of self and others. Sign of intelligence and the future, this sign seeks to modify hierarchical systems and state-run. He wants everyone to be on an equal footing. He will develop ideas to reform the world. But his ideas did not lead to much of anything. So he takes refuge in his thoughts, which often go too fast. He needs to be useful, otherwise it withers and may even become a total outsider. In love, he will avoid overly passionate feelings and go prefer a friendly, loving relationship. He needs to find a fully-fledged partner independent, as he wishes to retain some freedom. He will choose the pacs rather than marriage.

The lemon chrysoprase and the chakras related

Chrysoprase lemon energizes the solar plexus while bringing energy to the body. It provokes openness to others and situations news. It facilitates decision-making. It also regulates stress emotional.

Chrysoprase lemon is also used on the chakra of the heart. She inspires generosity and promotes self-acceptance and forgiveness and develops a sense of compassion.

Maintenance, purification and recharging of chrysoprase lemon

When purchase your lemon chrysoprase, you will be you need to purify and recharge. In its natural environment, the stone is automatically recharged with the surrounding him. But since his extraction, it can lose its effectiveness and be in contact with energies negative.

Operations are to be carried out once a month at or after use intensive.

Purification by immersing the stone in water. spring water, free of limescale, with a little salt. Wipe gently with a cloth. soft. You can also use incense or a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge it at the lunar rays outside the full moon. Be careful not to expose it to direct sunlight. as they could alter its color. To be on the safe side, it's best to place your stone on an amethyst druse or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours.

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