Reference : 3701459019663

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Balls 06mm
Pierre(s) : Aventurine Orange
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Orange
Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = High

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Orange aventurine (or aventurine peach)

Orange aventurine or also known as the name aventurine peach, is a stone from orange color, more or less dark. It can be translucent or opaque. This stone is composed of silicon dioxide containing hematite. Hematite is a stone of gray, black or red in appearance metallic.

Orange aventurine has inclusions of micas. Mica is one of the constituents of granite. This stone was formed in the magmatic rocks (rocks that have been created during magma cooling), especially in pegmatites (sublime rocks with large crystals) and in hydrothermal veins. We can also be found in shales or in the alluvial deposits.

When buying orange aventurine, it is important to it is necessary to check that the stone, not glass, which is the only material has a more polished appearance. Otherwise, aventurine is chosen primarily for its color. It is found in abundance in jewelry, where it is often used for the manufacture of cameos.

Aventurine is a stone that comes in a variety of forms in several colors: it can be green, blue, yellow, orange, red. This stone is a variety of quartz with inclusions the origin of all these colors.

Therefore, this stone must not be confused natural mineral with aventuriné glass made in Murano. Indeed, this glittering glass of copper gave its name to the stone, from which here's the story:

In the 17th century, the glassmakers of Venice had to leave the city to avoid provoking fires during glass production. They to the island of Murano, where they could also continue to keep their secret of the manufacturing. One day, a glassmaker knocked over by chance, copper flakes in the glass melted. The result was a metallic, glittery sheen. and decided to call it aventurine. from the Italian "a ventura", meaning "by luck". Natural mineral stone inherited named for its metallic sheen identical to copper flakes.

All these iron-containing stones back to Earth. They are in fact anchoring stones, more or less strong.

Nowadays, orange aventurine is used to make creation of ornamental pieces or all kinds jewelry. It is also used in lithotherapy.

Aventurine stones orange

The main deposits are to be found in Brazil, India, Russia and the United States.

The virtues of aventurine orange in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Orange aventurine possesses all the properties of aventurines in general, but it also has the properties associated with its color.

The orange aventurine guides in the taking of important decisions. It clarifies ideas, which makes for a good visibility to make the right choice situations, both personal and professionals.

It's a stone that puts everything into perspective by alleviating negative emotions such as stress, anguish, fear, anxiety. Once we've rid ourselves of these emotions, the future is more serene and opens up new possibilities. For example, solutions and opportunities present themselves more easily.

This stone is a revealing stone. At it releases the negative energies that prevent us from bringing out the qualities or unknown. In this way, she offers a wide range of possibilities thanks to the full awareness of his talents.

Orange aventurine is the stone that accompanies life changes and projects entrepreneurial spirit. It encourages new departures when a family situation or must evolve.

This stone keeps negativity away from some of the people around them, those who who do not support change or who constantly criticize. This allows the wearer to this stone to remain calm and serene, while remaining true to its ideals.

The bearer of the orange aventurine won't hesitate to take the plunge and seize any new opportunities. Visit he'll have more ambition and be able to overcome the difficulties encountered.

This stone is said to stimulate perception and enhances creativity. It also has a soothing effect, it calms tempers and provides a sense of well-being. It provides a new energy. Then, it effectively fights against states of intense sadness.

Benefits for your health physics

Orange aventurine facilitates circulation body fluids.

It promotes the proper functioning of the chakra sacred.

This stone is said to be excellent for sleep problems. It soothes and relaxes its wearer, making it easier to fall asleep and providing quality rest.

Orange aventurine warms up extremities.

It is also recommended for people prone to transport.

Orange aventurine in astrology

Orange aventurine is perfect for all the signs of the zodiac, but she is particularly beneficial for natives of following signs :

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, origins, the past. This sign has a imagination and often remains in the nostalgia for his childhood. He constantly needs of safety and gentleness. Its youthful side makes him very endearing. He is serious and conscientious. Wearing an orange aventurine allows him to move forward in life and to feel able to accomplish his projects. In love, he is tender and sentimental. He needs to feel loved and protected. Be careful, because this sign can be very jealous. By it is quite capable of violence. if you attack your family;

  • Taurus: symbol of the stability, stubbornness and loyalty. This sign can show a lot of possessiveness and jealousy. It's a sign that's reliable and persevering. He often takes the right decisions and knows how to move forward. He is very attached to the land. Wearing a orange aventurine helps him to put into perspective life events. He knows how to overcome difficult trials. Very generous, he needs to possess a lot, then he shares with those around him. He has a very natural stubborn and it is relatively difficult to change your mind. In love, he is a sensuality and is very tactile. Very he'll be looking for someone to share his passion with. his life;

  • Sagittarius: symbol of spiritual and intellectual elevation. This sign is very gifted for higher studies. He represents the higher mind. He loves travel. Routine is his enemy and he needs a lot of freedom. He tends to have many projects and not finishing them. Visit wearing an orange aventurine allows him to and achieve its objectives. objectives. He has a reputation for having difficulty commitments. He is sometimes provocative, even insolent. He can be in a rage. In love, he is very seducer and flirts a lot before finding soulmate. Maturity allows him to have serenity.

The sacral chakra and aventurine orange

Orange aventurine acts on the second chakra, the sacral chakra, located on the belly, about 5 cm below the navel. It is represented by a 6-petal orange lotus, acting on emotions, the relationship with pleasures, sexuality and self-esteem. of oneself.

Maintenance, purification and recharging aventurine orange

When you bring an orange aventurine into your home, it will be necessary to purify and recharge with positive energy. In fact, since its extraction, this stone may have become loaded with negative energies. The following operations are to be carried out once a month or after every use in lithotherapy.

Pass your orange aventurine underwater for a few minutes, then wipe dry. gently with a soft cloth. You can also also purify it with incense or using a bowl Tibetan.

To recharge, simply expose it to the sun's rays. lunar rays, but not during full moon. moon. Or you can recharge it on a quartz cluster or amethyst druse for 24 hours.

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