Reference : 3701459008728

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelet - Balls 06mm
Pierre(s) : Amber Baltic
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Orange / Golden / cognac
Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

Storytelling and legends

The name amber derived from the Arabic "antar" is a resin which over the years has become mineralized. It may contain elements from insects or feathers. The stone amber has been around for thousands of years. used it even in prehistoric times in jewelry and objets d'art, ornaments. It would have formed in the sea Baltic 40 to 60 million years ago years.

In the 6th century BC The Celts, for example, used to work amber and used them to make beads for the necklaces, bracelets, etc.

But the amber stone is mainly associated with a large number of legends that have spanned the centuries. Amber is a mythical material, full of mysteries. virtues and mysteries. It's the symbol of sun, purity and immortality.

The legend of the Jüraté and Kastytis

(Known for being one of the most famous legends in Lithuania)

Jüraté, goddess of sirens, lived in an amber palace all at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. She had a life in harmony with the marine fauna. But one day, she met Kastytis, who was a fisherman who cast his nets too close to her home. She had decided to chase him away itself, for this fisherman was not obeying sirens, who had tried to make him flee.

Kastytis continued to fill his nets with fish. While Jüraté was watching her, she noticed his and fell head over heels in love with her. in love. She took him with her to her palace amber at the bottom of the sea.

Or Perkunas, god of the and father of all the gods, entered when he heard about it. He did, he had promised Jüraté to another god. And so, he unleashed storms and sent lightning bolts from the heavens on the palace. The palace exploded thousands of pieces and Kastytis died.

Jüraté was also punished and chained to the ruins of her palace, condemned to be tossed about by the and weep for her beloved.

This caption continues to resurface in stormy weather, as a once the lull subsides, we're back to pieces amber on the beach. Legend has it that this are the tears of Jürasté, clear and pure like his love for Kastytis.

The different legends

This explanation, concerning ambers, which are the result of tears of divinities, can be found in other legends of antiquity.

According to others versions, amber is the consequence of the tears of the Heliades, daughters of Helios and sisters of Phaeton. Helios struck his son Phaeton, who had stolen his chariot, provoking great catastrophes. Phaeton fell into a river and became drowned. Helios turned his daughters into poplars, that lined this river. Their tears fell the water and turned into amber, which we nowadays.

Another legend that Apollo, banished from Olympus, used to pour amber tears. They symbolized her nostalgia for Paradise and what still united him at the Elysée Palace.

It still exists many other legends about this stone amber, which has a number of benefits and numerous virtues.

Les deposits

The main deposits are located in Lithuania, Peru Russia, Mexico, etc.

Les benefits of amber in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

Amber possesses a masculine solar nature, which makes it possible to the wearer to overcome his or her hang-ups. It is a stone of balance that calms those to wear it: it allows him to find.

She's qualified purifying stone, absorbing unhappiness, and restoring energy, courage and dynamism. It does a lot of good for people in moral distress or suffering sadness. It effectively combats stress, anxiety and anguish, allowing you to benefit from quality, nightmare-free.

His influence, combined with the sun, brings joie de vivre, represents spring after winter. This warm energy brings serenity and peace of mind self-confidence. It brings patience to the user, it provides him or her with a and strengthens his motivation to that it can achieve its goals fixed.

This amber stone encourages intellectual work, as it increases the ability to concentrate and reflection. It is also an excellent vitality booster and boosts the faculties of memorization. It provides great strength thanks to its many virtues energizing. It eliminates tension and negative energies that hinder progress and provokes optimism. It promotes meditation and development spiritual.

Ses physical benefits

Amber gives the the body's ability to eliminate toxins throat chakra.

This stone provides total peace of mind, facilitating a good night's sleep and vitality. This energy strengthens the body.

It promotes also ensures the proper circulation of fluids body in general. It protects against external pollutants.

Amber and associated astrological signs

Amber can be carried by all the signs, but its effectiveness is increased on the following signs:

  • Virgo: symbol of analysis, of organization. This sign of a natural is a perfect match for an anguished stone. amber, because it relieves him of his fears anxiety. This sign is obsessed with tidiness and order. He has a practical mind and a sense of helping others. His main is a huge lack of self-confidence. Wearing an amber stone brings him serenity and soothes him. In love, he is very not very sentimental and has a great fear of rejection due to to his fear of abandonment. He prefers to stay alone;

  • Gémeaux : symbol of communication and exchanges, curiosity. This sign is appreciated for its lightness, it is very fun and witty. We love being with him. He has a sunny side like the amber stone. It knows juggling words and seducing his audience with his anecdotes. The amber stone allows him to protect its throat and facilitate dialogue, gives her a certain self-confidence. In love, he's a born seducer. He loves to forage and has to settle down. He is very afraid of losing his freedom. It is with time and age that he will eventually arise;

  • Lion: symbol of the power and the loyalty. This sign is very generous proud. He likes to be flattered and becomes vain. However, it also represents love, heart, passion. He loves being the center of attention. With a character dominant, he's used to being obeyed. He gives off a certain aura like sunshine. The amber stone gives it that flamboyance and self-confidence. In love, he is passionate, generous. He loves the idea of married, he's a very faithful person and loyal.

The chakras related to amber

The plexus chakra The solar chakra is the amber chakra. It is the the energy point for well-being at work It helps you to live life with peace of mind, both physically and mentally. It enables also provide energy.

Maintenance, purification and recharging amber

As soon as you purchase your amber stone, you need to purify it from negative energies it has accumulated to your home. Our operations are to be renewed once a month or once a year. after each heavy use.

Soak your stone amber in spring water for 24 hours. Wipe gently with a cloth. soft.

Drop it off at dawn sun for 2 hours for the recharge with positive energy. You can also recharge it on a cluster of quartz or an amethyst druse for 24 hours.

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