Reference : 3701459008179

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Bracelets - Balls 04mm
Pierre(s) : B�ryls
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s): Blue / Pink / Green
. Diameter (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = High

Non-contractual photo

Histories and legends

The mineral beryl of the silicate group, comes from pegmatites (magmatic rock with large crystals) granitic. It varies in size and can sometimes to very large sizes and has formed at the end of the crystallization of the massifs granite. Beryl is an aluminosilicate of beryllium, including aquamarine, emerald, heliodore, morganite and goshenite.

Beryl stones are known for centuries. It has been mentioned for the first time in 77 A.D. by Pliny the Elder, Roman writer and naturalist 1st century, author of the encyclopaedia entitled Histoire Naturelle.

The name beryl comes either from the Latin "beryllos" meaning "color of seawater", from the Greek "bêrullos" meaning "crystal". À At the time, beryl was associated with a brilliant colorless stone. It was used for make magnifying glasses. In fact, the famous Nero's emerald magnifying glass was certainly be a clear beryl.

So, beryl, first synonymous with aquamarine, became the synonymous with lentil. It wasn't until the 19th century century that beryl is divided into 6 main types varieties :

  • aquamarine: pale green to blue color;

  • the bixbite: intense red color (very rare stone);

  • emerald: intense green color;

  • heliodor : pale yellow to orange-yellow in color ;

  • Morganite: pale pink to salmon pink color;

  • Goshenite: colorless.

All beryls of a different color are named according to their of their color, such as beryl, for example. yellow.


The world's most sought-after in this beryl family is emerald with its intense green. Its name comes from an ancient Semitic name meaning "to shine". It has chromium and vanadium inclusions. Plus the stone is a deep, transparent green, the more expensive the stone. Its color is mainly due to the presence of chromium and/or vanadium.

The main deposits are to be found in Brazil and Afghanistan, Madagascar, Russia.


This is the second most sought-after beryl stone. Its name is from the Latin "aqua marina" meaning "sea water". The color of aquamarine the most popular is the deep blue as the sea. Aquamarines are often in the form of large crystals transparency. They owe their coloring to the presence of iron.

The main deposits are in Brazil and Africa, particularly Mozambique.

The morganite

This is the third most common beryl variety sought-after. It owes its name to a famous banker, JP Morgan, stone collector precious. Its pink color is due to the presence of manganese. The inclusions are rather rare on this beryl stone.

The main deposits are in Afghanistan.

Heliodore or yellow beryl

Yellow beryl has a color that ranges from lemon yellow to yellow-orange. Its name comes from two Greek words meaning "gift of the sun". It has very little inclusions and owes its color to the presence iron.

The main deposits are located in Brazil and Madagascar, Namibia, Sri Lanka.

The goshenite

This beryl is colorless transparency and high gloss dazzling. It owes its name to the place where it was discovered for the first time: at Goshen (Massachusetts, USA).

The main deposits are to be found in Brazil and Afghanistan, in Madagascar, China and Russia.

The bixbite

Bixbite is the rarest variety of beryl. It has a raspberry/red color due to the presence of manganese, not very transparent. It is extremely rare and is most often reserved for collectors.

The only deposit is located in Utah - United States.

Les benefits of beryl in lithotherapy

Ses psychological benefits

The benefits of beryl stones are extremely consistent on psychic and spiritual levels. The different varieties of beryl each have their own virtues. specific.

In fact, the morganite with its soft pink to pink color salmon soothes troubles emotional. This color is often associated with love and morganite is reputed to encourage feelings of love and seduction. It is even cited as a stone that amplifies sexual orgasm.

Heliodorus is an energizing stone. Its yellow color gives energy and frees you from stress anxiety. It brings strong vitality. On that it maintains the good health of the green plants, animals and people around it. You just have to expose it to sunrise, so that it can restore all its energy throughout the day.

Goshenite has virtually the same properties as diamond or quartz. It allows you to be very to forget the past and move forward towards the future. It gives another vision of and facilitates reflection. In fact, it is the key to good decision-making.

As a rule beryl stone is a stone of great beauty. powers in lithotherapy. It helps to channel people who are too nervous and encourage them to achieve their objectives. At the same time, this stone promotes meditation and introspection. It is resolutely towards the future and overcomes emotional shocks linked to the past.

Ses physical benefits

This beryl stone releases tension. It reduces anxiety and inner fears.

His red color in the form of a bixbite, promotes good circulation of body fluids.

Bringers of this beryl stone achieve a better stress management and benefit from self-esteem. This enables them to and put their ideas into practice. projects.

Beryl and associated astrological signs

Beryl is a family of stones, making it the perfect choice to all the signs of the zodiac. However, the we would like to highlight an even stronger action for natives of the following signs:

  • Cancer symbol of family, origins, heritage and and mother. This sign has imagination and sensitivity. However, it is often anxious and fragile. The port of a beryl stone gives it a great self-confidence and helps him to free himself from shackles of the past. He is in great need to be reassured at all times. In fact, it has always afraid of being abandoned and to feel loved. He is always on the lookout for softness and security. It can't stand conflict climates. He has an affinity with artistic activities. At love, it is very tender and very sentimental. He needs to build a home very early on, and when he becomes a parent, he is very protective;

  • Lion symbol of royalty, of the power. This sign shows great generosity, but he's also very generous. conceited. He loves flattery, while at the same time authority. He represents the luxury, pleasures and parties. When he bears a beryl stone called heliodore, it is bursting with energy and vitality. He succeeds to bring his projects to fruition. He reveals himself narcissism and needs the help of the other people's eyes. Be careful, it can even become despotic with those around you. In love, he's passionate, ardent and fiery. He bubbles over and loves to conquer new prey. As soon as he finds his soul mate, he goes reveals a serious and loyal partner ;

  • Fish symbol of infinity and the the unlimited. This sign represents sacrifice, ordeal, betrayal. Wearing a stone beryl allows him to manage his anxieties and to move forward. He achieves his goals. However, he tends to shy away and take refuge in a world of fantasy. dreams, softer. Highly suggestible and can quickly fall into all sorts addictions. It can be very difficult to often indecisive. He can very well live at night in a sort of marginality. In love, he behaves paradoxical: it can be either self-sacrificing or on the contrary, start foraging all over the place. Over the years, it learns to stabilize itself and can start a family.

The chakras connected to the beryl stone

The chakras of of beryl stones are above all the solar plexus chakra, the heart chakra and the coronal chakra.

The plexus chakra solar energy is associated with the values of control freedom and power. When it's right balanced, it provides a good image of oneself. Wearing a beryl stone provokes this rebalancing.

The heart chakra defines our ability to love: to love ourselves and love others. It enables us to create harmonious relations and the port of a beryl stone facilitates this propensity to harmony.

The coronal chakra represents wisdom, altruism and portliness of a beryl helps to balance its emotions.

Maintenance, purifying and recharging the stone beryl

On arrival of a beryl stone in your home, it will its purification and cleaning positive-energy recharging. Since its extraction to your home, this stone has been exposed to all kinds of energies, often negative. The following operations are to be carried out at least once a month or after heavy use.

Sink your beryl in spring water for a few hours to purify it. You can also use fumigation with sandalwood, sage wood, or the use of a Tibetan bowl.

Drop off your beryl to the light of the rising sun during 1 hour or place it on a quartz cluster or on amethyst druse for 24 hours hours.