Reference : 3701459019113

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies):Bracelets - Baroques
Pierre(s) : Obsidian Dor�e
Appearance: Sparkling / Polished
. Color(s) : Gold/Black
Specifications Wrist circumference (in cm): 16 - 18 cm
. Quality: A = Good

Non-contractual photo

Sa training and properties

Obsidian is a rich volcanic rock in silica. Different types of obsidian exist. They differ because of the chemical composition of the rock. Obsidian is actually a natural glass. It is formed during an eruption of silica-rich lava with less than 3% water. At the volcano's exit, it cools very quickly, freezing the crystallization process.

This can be related to a piece of lava suddenly froze as it emerged from the volcano. The direct consequence of this phenomenon is the impossibility for the rock to crystallize. The result is the creation of a volcanic glass with a uniform texture and amorphous mineral. What's more, we obsidian has sharp edges and a long extremely fine blades. This is a natural mineral with a composition complex.

Obsidian is composed of mainly silicon dioxide approx. 70 % or more. The fracture is conchoidal (either criss-crossed by curved, concentric striations) and Its hardness ranges from 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs. It has different colors, different reflections due to the volcano where it has and its various inclusions. It should be emphasized that each deposit, linked to a volcano, supplies obsidian different.

Green, brown, grey or black, it can have reflections of gold, silver or even gold. all the colors of the rainbow, (effect produced by the presence of hematites or magnesites). It also happens that two colors obsidian mix.

Stories and legends

Traces of obsidian are found in some sharp objects dating from around 2 4 million years ago, notably in Kenya. At from archaeological digs, knives, knives, knives, knives arrows and spears were discovered. Depending on its composition, obsidian can sometimes be polished to create mirrors rustic.

As early as 7,000 B.C., obsidian was widely used in surgery because of its its cutting properties. A trace of trepanation, removal of part of the bone of the either to clean a wound or to make a new skull enter the minds.

In Mesopotamia, traces of blades have been identified as early as 5,000 years ago. years BC.

In Egypt, obsidian was brought from the Red Sea, Greece or Italy. Visit Egyptians used them for their beauty, their mystery and value. They made the eyes of their statues, especially those in the mask of Tutankhamun (1323 BC). Obsius returns from Ethiopia, brought back obsidian specimens and decided to give them their name, either obsidianus in Latin. Obsidian was used for manufacture of all kinds of objects ornaments, jewelry or tools.

However, in Mexico, there is a different legend. At a time when the natives lacked of food, the men went out hunting where they had to face wild beasts, even mammoths. They left women and children under the protection of the elders. And then.., one day, the tribe was attacked by hyenas. wild and ferocious. But the ancients had more weapons when young Obsid, son of the most valiant warrior, saw a black stone on the floor. He tied it securely on a piece of wood. He threw this fortune on one of the hyenas, who howled in pain, making all the others flee. The whole tribe honored the young Obsid and granted him the status of warrior, and the stone was named after him. name.

In the Navajo tribe, obsidian was one of the 4 sacred stones. The mountain obsidian corresponds to Mount Hesperus. In some of their stories, the man's heart would have been created by the gods with obsidian.

For generations, magicians, magicians, magicians sorcerers or prophets use mirror-polished obsidian. They claimed to be able to read the future in them. But it was Dr John Dee (1527 - 1608) who used it once again to spread his prophecies. He became very famous and the story goes that it made it possible to foil certain plots against the crown English.

The deposits

The main obsidian deposits are located in located in Mexico, Madagascar and the United States, etc.

Golden obsidian

This variety of obsidian is black with golden sheen or glitter. Its appearance is shiny and its reflections stand out particularly in the sun. This stone, mounted on a piece of jewelry, is an incredible beauty.

During archaeological excavations, some statuettes of Emperor Augustus (63 B.C./) 14 AD) were created for him, the first Roman emperor. This stone has also has been found in India, Italy and on the ocean coastline in Spain.

Golden obsidian is, as with all obsidian, a naturally occurring volcanic glass derived and cooled fast. It contains over 75% silica and layers of gas micro-inclusions at the origin of its golden highlights.

Golden obsidian is not a true mineral, because its chemical content is not and does not form crystals. Its composition varies according to the volcano it comes from.

It has a shaped fracture conchoidal, making it easy to break. On recommends against its use in the manufacture of certain jewelry, in particular anklets, and even even rings. Large cabochons or flat stones put this stone in particular.

Golden obsidian is an extrusive rock, for it was formed above the earth in due to contact with cold or hot air. water.

Les benefits of golden obsidian in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Golden obsidian strengthens anchorage and to make the most of the moment present. It encourages the person to have down to earth and not get lost in the world of useless daydreams.

This stone guides you into the future while of the past. It frees childhood traumas and fears and anxieties. Its wearer can release negative energies and balance its energy fields.

This variety of obsidian, like black obsidian or celestial eye, made bring out repressed events. Please note, it's important to choose the right moment to use it, because you have to be ready to evacuate all these blockages. It encourages introspection shed light on the dark side of past.

Golden obsidian allows you to reach the and to acquire wisdom. It is to evacuate that which is useless in order to leave room for happiness and well-being. She gives you strength, determination and charisma.

Golden obsidian is also a very popular powerful stone of protection. Knowing protected, its wearer opens more easily to others. He shows compassion and empathy. This stone provides greater clarity spirit and more humility.

Golden obsidian like the others obsidian must be handled with care because of its power.

Benefits for your health physics

Golden obsidian allows the evacuation of many blockages and effectively combats stress. Stress has a number of consequences on the body. It causes tensions.

This stone improves physical condition. It provides restful sleep. The person feels great when she wakes up and has a beautiful vitality. This may make him want to resume a sporting activity. This activity is beneficial for the whole body.

Golden obsidian can be said to increase energy and vitality. It promotes good how the plexus chakra works solar.

Golden obsidian and signs astrological

Golden obsidian, like the rest of the obsidian, has the power to protect and provides numerous benefits for the whole of the zodiac. Its effectiveness is accentuated on the following astrological signs :

  • Cancer: symbol of the family, origins and parents. This sign represents sensitivity, nostalgia and childhood. Wearing a golden obsidian encourages introspection and helps him to overcome emotional blockages. This sign is very creative, especially when he feels at home. security. He's always in need of likes to be surrounded by his family. She is a a very generous person, and he adores share with his loved ones. He suffers hypersensitivity and finds it very difficult to manage emotions. He is often anxious and afraid of being abandoned and knows indispensable. He regularly moves moods and can even be temperamental. Visit on the other hand, he has great instinct and intuition. If someone hurts him, he will is very resentful and unforgiving. Shy as he is, he forges his own armor and can be very unpleasant. He will not cannot stand conflictual climates and does everything to iron out difficulties. In love, he is very tender and sentimental. He needs to feel safe. Her partner needs to know to reassure and protect him. He is one of those emotional dependency. It is very loyal and makes an excellent parent;

  • Lion: symbol of the royalty, power and pride. This sign represents nobility, flattery and vanity. Wearing a golden obsidian reinforces his determination and charisma. This a sign of the world's pleasures and luxury. He always manages to be to the forefront and tends to speak to the for everyone. He embodies ambition, authority and even tyranny. He has a great deal of pride and can put himself complicated situations, as it does not recognize wrongs. He loves to feel admired and can show great generosity. Her desires are often orders, and he can't stand to be contradicted. Determined and willing, he knows what he wants in life and will do anything to achieve its goals. It's a hard worker. On the other hand, he can't stand and always wants to be the best. Loyal and straightforward, he understands neither pettiness nor lies. In love, he shows ardor and passion. He supports the idea of marriage and can't live without love. He soon founded a family and is very loyal;

  • Fish: symbol of the infinite, the unlimited and religion. This sign represents mystery, clairvoyance and intuition. Wearing a golden obsidian brings him back to reality and allows him to have down to earth. This sign has many artistic gifts, especially in music. He is associated with betrayals, hidden things and the mystery. This sign is very fragile and can succumb to various addictions. It is a is very sensitive and may take offence easily. He tends to live in a world filled with dreams and illusions. He has to face real life and its challenges difficulties. It can go as far as marginalize. A generous man, he distributes without counting the cost. This sign is renowned for have excellent intuitions, especially when it comes to do good business. In love, this sign is completely paradoxical. It can both total submission or be a great libertine. He likes to do all sorts experiences. He tends to idealize his partner and feel inferior. With the years, he learns to trust himself and is able to a stable relationship.

Golden obsidian and chakras

Golden obsidian helps to balance the root chakra. It is located at the base of the column and is oriented towards the ground. Its function is to put down roots in the individual and to enable anchoring to the earth. The chakra root promotes good circulation energy. The person feels secure, well on the ground and at home head. Well-being, comfort and vitality invade the person.

The root chakra out of balance, too open, creates a sense of survival. Living becomes a everyday combat. The person can hurt selfish, authoritarian. She may even violent and aggressive. She becomes addicted to tobacco, alcohol or drugs various drugs.

The root chakra unbalanced, underactive, causes fear of lack. The person does not know can't get organized, can't manage life's trials and tribulations. It can lose her work, becomes stressed and negative. She has a very disturbed sleep pattern nightmares.

Maintenance, obsidian purification and recharging golden

Before arriving in your home, your golden obsidian has certainly been exposed to influences. It is imperative to purify and recharge upon acquisition. The following operations are to be serviced once a month or after a lithotherapy session.

Plunge your golden obsidian into a glass spring water. Avoid contact with salt that could alter the brilliance of your stone. Place this glass in the center of a plate filled with of sea salt. After 3 hours, discard the sea salt. outside your house and dry your stone with with a soft cloth. For a purification, you can use the white sage fumigation technique or put it in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your golden obsidian with the rays of the afternoon sun for 2 hours. You or place it in the center of a geode or on a quartz cluster for 24 hours. hours.

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