Reference : LOTCRISROCH0129

For professionals only

For professionals only

Type: Parts Uniques - Geodes by Cristal De Roche and Druses
Pierre(s) : Cristal De Roche
Weight: 1855g
. Number of rooms: 4
rooms Height of smallest (in mm): 50
. Height of tallest (in mm): 90
. Color: White / Transparent
. Quality: AA = Very High

Contractual photos

Histories and legends

Properties and etymology

Rock crystal is naturally transparent and colorless. However, its color may change depending on the inclusions it owns. During its formation, the rock may have inclusions, such as the iron, magnesium, aluminium, calcium, etc. But they can also come from minerals such as tourmaline and chlorite, hematite, etc.

So, rock crystal can be either blue, green or gold.

Totally pure rock crystal is composed solely of silicon dioxide. It is a member of the quartz family, derived from the silicate group and has a hardness of 7 on Mohs scale.

Rock crystal as clear as glass water is associated with purity and transparency. Crystal is also known as hyaline quartz rock. It is also one of the of the most widespread minerals on Earth. Sometimes it is part of the composition other rocks, such as granite.

The etymology of quartz comes from the Greek ancient "krystallos" and "kryos", meaning ice and frost respectively.

Stories and legends

In the 1st century A.D., a number of writings by Pliny the Elder in his encyclopedia Histoires Naturelles, where he evokes the fact that rock crystal could not melt even at close to a source of intense heat. Visit Indeed, he was supposed to be a cold-blooded and was even reputed to be unbreakable. It was said to come from a celestial water. He also discusses the fact that this crystal is said to have healing.

Archeological digs have revealed that rock crystal has been used since the prehistory. Tools and weapons made in rock crystal, were found, as well as than flints, used to light fires. From In ancient times, the powers of the and even supernatural healers to this stone.

Rock crystal has been used by many civilizations around the world, to at different times and for different functions. The Maya attributed to it qualities of dowsing rods, which they used to find water. As for the aborigines believed that this crystal came directly from the and included it in their rituals initiation.

The Romans and the Greeks used it in their jewelry, goblets, seals and other items. intaglios. They also used it in cauterizing wounds by directing the rays through the crystal on the injury.

In the Middle Ages, all kinds of crystals were called quartz. Also, Georgius Agricola, scholar, 16th-century mineralogist, decided to restrict the name quartz to rock crystals. Rock crystal was used also used to make crystal balls and the development of all kinds of elixirs.

At the time of the Renaissance, we find candlesticks, chandeliers, objets d'art in rock crystal. In addition, many characters or motifs have been carved into this stone.

Nowadays, this rock crystal is commonly used by jewellers for the jewelry creation.

The deposits

The main deposits are in Brazil, in Morocco, Madagascar, the United States, etc.


The benefits of crystal rock in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Rock crystal is a stone open-mindedness. At once transmitter, transformer and amplifier energy, this stone is perfect for meditation and concentration. It increases self-confidence and perceptions intuitive.

Rock crystal can be used to channel and encourages quality listening and encourages exchanges with others. It enables expression and elocution. People who are a little too assertive, or even stubborn, should wear a crystal stone rock during debates. It offers solutions in conflict situations while warding off negative energies.

A stone of harmony, it is reputed anti-stress and helps overcome blockages related to the past. It combats stress and its consequences, reducing anxiety while releasing a feeling of well-being. It is excellent for calming an anxious mind when an interview, for example. Wearing a rock for important appointments will make it easier exchanges, understanding and communication.

This stone provides vitality and comfort. It restores energy and desire. It can be installed in the living room. In this way, it protects the home from disturbances, whatever they may be. be. It then diffuses soothing waves relaxing.

Benefits for your health physics

Rock crystal has anti-stress and anti-bacterial properties. reduces its impact on our bodies. It reduces tension.

This stone helps to promote the good functioning of the solar plexus chakra and the the crown chakra.

Finally, this stone contributes to the good circulation of body fluids.

Rock crystal and signs associated astrological

The virtues and benefits of rock crystal benefits on all the natives of the zodiac. Sound action is equal regardless of sign astrological. Rock crystal, on the other hand, is the birthstone of :

  • Capricorn: symbol of ambition, social success and and patience. This sign represents perseverance, maturity often precocious, sometimes avarice. He has the sense of duty, proves to be very methodical and organized. He is often very knowledge and can even prove to be an expert in various subjects. He is often a great coldness and restraint. He doesn't let himself not go. Wearing a rock crystal to open up to others and make new contacts. quality relationships. It also gives him self-confidence. In fact, this sign can show a lot of self-consciousness. He's going to work to achieve his goals. He wants to achieve professional success and has need to feel appreciated within his work. He doesn't have many friends, because he loves solitude. In love, he feels fragile in the presence of strong emotions. He prefers give up love rather than be tricked and suffer. Over the years, he has grown self-confidence. At this he can then consider setting up a new company. family.

Rock crystal and its chakras related

Rock crystal acts primarily on the third eye chakra, which represents the knowledge, intelligence. This chakra strengthens our ability to think, to be use our intuition and imagination. It allows you to demonstrate wisdom and mastery. Located between the two eyes, it is the place where our thoughts and emotions perception of life.

Rock crystal also has a role to play on the crown chakra, the chakra located above the head. Balanced, it strengthens a sense of unity and connection to everything. It evokes harmony and channels energies, leads to spirituality and above all to harmony.

Maintenance, purification and the refill of the roche

Rock crystal can be used for recharging other minerals in the same way as a cluster or an amethyst geode. Nevertheless, it is essential to carry out its purification and recharging approximately every two weeks or after use intensive.

In fact, after a while, your stone will have drawn all its energy and will need to be purified and recharged.

Submerge your rock crystal in water for 2 or 3 hours. Dry gently with a soft cloth. You can purify it with incense or in a Tibetan bowl.

Recharge your rock crystal by exposing it to the sun's rays for 3 hours minimum. You can also place it on a amethyst geode or on a quartz cluster for at least 24 hours.