Reference : 3701459017584

For professionals only

For professionals only

Category(ies) : Lot de Pearls
Pierre(s) : Washstone Lava
Appearance : Ball / Polished
. Color(s) : Black
Quality: AB = Standard
. * Bead sets are available from time to time for sale. They are made up of bracelets that we have in store. It is not possible to find out more about request.

Histories and legends

Of volcanic origin, lava stone results from the cooling of molten magma released during volcanic eruptions. The magma is heated to a temperature of 1000°C and then suddenly exposed to temperature outside. When the volcano's lava flows contact with the atmosphere, it cools down and creates the famous lava stones. Lava stones lava flows are actually magma flows cooled.

Lava stone is also known as basalt. It is composed of 50% plagioclase, 25% at 40% pyroxenes, 10% to 20% olivine. It makes up the majority of the earth's crust and oceanic crust. This basalt is found also on the moon in the form of huge stretches of solidified lava called seas moon.

The different minerals have different proportions which differ depending on whether it's a volcano effusive or intrusive and depending on the nature of the magma. When the lava stone is formed, the following occurs accelerated crystallization of fine grains resulting in a large quantity of crystals. Stone with a hardness of 5.5 on the Mohs, her colors range from light gray to black. The color of the stone varies according to its chemical composition.

This incredible black rock fascinates mankind for millennia. From the bowels of the earth, this stone symbolizes indomitable. It underlines the fragility of man and the elements of nature.

For thousands of years, volcanoes in eruption are proof of divine wrath or a supernatural event. The lava stone is often present in myths and legends of all civilizations. They say that it contains the power and energy of the fire.

In ancient Rome, black lava stone was used to protect the wearer from and spells. It also gave him incredible strength.

In the Middle Ages, this stone was commonly used in building construction. And nowadays, lava stone is commonly used in the building industry. Its refractory properties store heat and absorb moisture this stone is also widely used used in industry (barbecue, gardening...), decoration, etc.).

Lava stone, because of its numerous is a stone much appreciated in lithotherapy. It is said to be a stone that is charged with the energy of the earth, and which meditation, reiki or yoga. It is then used to create jewelry (bracelets, pendants, etc.) and objects ornamental. They can also be used as an essential oil diffuser.

Frequent volcanic eruptions land and sea reserves virtually unlimited range of lava.

The deposits

The lava stone deposits are located wherever volcanoes are to be found, in particular in France (Auvergne), India and the United States, in China.

The benefits of the stone of lava in lithotherapy

Benefits for your health psychic

Lava stone is a powerful stone rootedness. It helps us to take awareness of the present moment and its importance. Thanks to its telluric energy, it brings serenity and calm. It encourages us to live in gratitude and joy. and good humor.

This stone frees from a disturbed mind, restless thoughts and anxiety. It combats stress and overcomes doubts. The lava stone possesses a natural magnetism that protects the wearer. It brings strength and mental stability to face day-to-day difficulties. It helps to get out of their comfort zone comfort.

Lava stone is also a stone of reconstruction and resilience. It identifies past traumas and provides motivation to move forward. It encourages the person control negative emotions such as anger and resentment. It generates better self-knowledge for better evolve.

This magnificent dark rock has the incredible ability to absorb negative energies released by people jealous, envious, toxic or harmful. However, due to its porous nature, the will tend to saturate more quickly than a classic fine stone. It is therefore to purify and recharge it further. frequently.

Benefits for your health physics

The qualities of lava stone for storage make it a hot stone. It is often used in massages, because it relaxes the body. It also promotes the evacuation of stress stored by our bodies.

In fact, the state of stress can have serious serious consequences for the body.

It is said to diffuse a gentle warmth to throughout the body. It improves vitality and stimulates the body with its mineralogical properties. It promotes good circulation of body fluids.

The lava stone and the signs associated astrology

Lava stone, stone from the bowels of the earth of the earth, is a stone with strong benefits and psychological impact on all of the zodiac. However, some signs astrological affinities are more with this incredible stone. This is the case for the following signs:

  • Aries: symbol of action, enthusiasm and impulse. This sign represents dynamism, boldness and energy. Wearing a stone of lava gives it a magnetism that protects it negative energies. This sign is combative and he always wants to be first. He loves confrontation and seeks success. This sign knows exactly what he wants in life. He wants make money, because it's extremely spendthrift. He often shows great and is sorely lacking in diplomacy. His dynamism drives him to be extremely impatient. He can sometimes be brusqueness, even violence. His passion and dedication to his work. background. However, it has a warm and friendly, and we enjoy his company. He has the ability to bounce back from failure. He knows how to overcome life's difficulties. It imposes respect and impresses with his grip and his determination. In love, he's very passionate. quickly and is a specialist in love at first sight. He seeks to conquer the other and shows himself to be a a fine strategist to make his prey yield. He has hates routine and needs stimulation and passion;

  • Lion: symbol of the power, royalty and generosity. This sign represents pride, vanity and the nobility. Wearing a lava stone to fight against people with negative emotions, such as jealousy, envy and resentment. This sign evolves in a world of pleasure, leisure and luxury. It is associated with ambition, passion and even to tyranny. He likes to be in front of and has a strong tendency to speak on behalf of everyone. He needs to provoke admiration. Proud and determined, he loves share with the people around you him. He has a kind and courteous nature, but on the other hand, he hates it when people his word in doubt. He can't stand having wrong. On the other hand, his desires are orders. He's arrogant and proud. Willing, he knows what he wants in life and does everything to get it. In love, he has a lot of charm and ardor. He is passionate and idealistic. He demonstrates loyalty and honesty. He never can't live without love and loves the idea of marriage;

  • Virgo: symbol of analysis, organization and logic. This sign represents medicine, perfection and work. Wearing a lava stone to manage negative emotions, because this sign is very anxious and shows signs of a lot of shyness. He tends to be relegated to the background. It's a spirit logical and detail-oriented. He likes to keep things clean and doesn't shy away from household chores. Be careful, as it is very critical and fastidious. He always aims for the perfection. This sign is a hard worker and he's very demanding of himself, but also towards others. He has developed a very practical mind and loves to put his skills in the service of others. He suffers a severe lack of self-confidence and a too much modesty. Sometimes he hides behind a mask of coldness in order to conceal shyness. In love, this sign suffers from great modesty. He is neither sentimental nor romantic. He just can't let go and to free his emotions. He wants to control his instincts. Shy and very self-conscious, he has very afraid of rejection. He prefers celibacy, and if he does marry, it will be through comfort, not love.

The lava stone and the chakras

Lava stone helps to balance the chakra solar plexus. This chakra is above the navel in front and at vertebral level D11 and D12 at the back. The chakra of the solar plexus represents self-esteem and will, contact with the outside world. Visit a balanced solar plexus chakra provides self-confidence. The person has the willpower to meet the objectives set. She's cheerful, warm and spontaneous. She attaches great importance self-respect and respect for others.

The unbalanced solar plexus chakra, too open, breeds pride, vanity and perfection. The person feels hatred anger and is obsessed with work. It seeks to control everything, to manipulate while at the same time being disrespectful and impolite.

The unbalanced solar plexus chakra, closed, occurs when the person does not let her emotions. She's very needy fighting spirit and self-confidence. She is shy, nervous, submissive and worried in permanence. She doesn't know how to overcome difficulties of life.

Maintenance, purification and the refill of the lava

Since its extraction, lava stone has were unable to purify and cleanse themselves recharge using the elements that such as land and water. By it has been manipulated many times times and was able to come into contact with people positive or negative emotions. As soon as to your new home, you'll need to purify and clean recharge.

Because of its porous structure, the the following operations are to be renewed in maintenance at least twice a month and after each use in lithotherapy. The stone of lava becomes saturated with energy more quickly.

Plunge your stone into a glass of water from source for 2 hours. Dry with with a soft cloth. For further purification light, you can use fumigation with white sage or put it in a bowl Tibetan.

Recharge your lava stone by exposing it about 2 hours in full sun of afternoon or under the rays of a full moon. You can also place it in the of an amethyst geode or on a cluster of quartz.